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Forum : Connection Failed Error # 80040403Search Forum

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 Connection Failed Error # 80040403 
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 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-02-23 08:57:10

The connection to our Quickbooks data has been working fine (we created a data source using Microsoft Query and and using the data source to perform a mail merge in Word). When opening the data source via Word today, I received the above error number. We have not changed our Quickbooks software or our Quickbooks data since we installed QODBC.

I tried to create a new ODBC data source to connect to Quickbooks, but I get the same error message, whether I connect by using the currently open Quickbooks file or if I browse to the file.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-02-23 08:59:57

The error is saying that it could not open the specified QuickBooks company data file. Most of the time this indicates that you already have another company file open in QuickBooks.

Check what company file the data source name (DSN) is actually using and open that company file as a QuickBooks Admin user to reslove any connection issues.


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 7 
 Joined: 2006-10-25 
 Posted : 2009-02-10 18:07:25

Hi there

I am getting a really puzzling variant of this:

From the sdklog.txt:

20090209.211709 I 2392 RequestProcessor ========= Started Connection =========
20090209.211709 I 2392 RequestProcessor Request Processor, QBXMLRP2 v6.1
20090209.211709 I 2392 RequestProcessor Connection opened by app named 'FLEXquarters QODBC'
20090209.211709 I 2392 CertVerifier The Authenticode signature validated OK.
20090209.211709 E 2392 RequestProcessor Unknown QBInstanceFinder error. File Name: "D³ÙDÔ²ÙDÿ`E\ÂFYMƒ|¨éÉF8ê" hr = 80070057
20090209.211709 E 2392 RequestProcessor Could not create instance of QuickBooks. hr = 80040403

QODBC returns the following message:

[QODBC] Error parsing complete XML return string



1.) The DSN is configured to use the company file that is open.

2) The error is intermittent. If I try a number of INSERT statements then the first few into a given table will work then one will fail with this error then the next INSERT will work

3) Two DSNs exist, both are configured to use the company file that is open.

4.) access is through a MS SQL 2005 linked server with the optimizer turned off. Unfortunately the QODBC driver does not seem to update the QODBCLOG.txt or QODBCTRA.txt files when called through the linked server.

5. latest QODBC, Quickbooks Premier AU 2008/09, both the server and the client are running on windows XP SP3

any insight appreciated!!!!!




 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2009-02-11 10:41:24
Yes this happens when a query or insert is started before the previous one has completed. Applications need to use a STA (single-threaded-apartment) threading model. Multi-threading actually slows QODBC down as we need to re-establish a connection to QuickBooks every time the Thread ID changes. 

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