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Forum : Microsoft Office Access has encountered a problem and needs to close Error When Linking TablesSearch Forum

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 Microsoft Office Access has encountered a problem and needs to close Error When Linking Tables 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 25 
 Joined: 2006-10-05 
 Posted : 2008-05-04 03:04:00
Several times (but not every time) when I try to add a new linked table in my Access 2003 database via New > Linked Table > ODBC Databases > Machine Data Source > QuickBooks Data > Terms ... I get the "Microsoft Office Access has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience." dialog box.  The table has not been linked when I return to Access. 

This happens every time I complete the process of certifying linking in QuickBooks and unpredictably after I have already successfully linked other tables.  It also happens when I refresh the links in Linked Table Manager.

I have QuickBooks open, I have selected Locate Company File, and I am on v8.00.00.243.

Please help. 

 Group: Administrator 
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 Posted : 2008-05-05 09:21:50

When using MS Access 2003, if you receive an error message that is similar to the following:-

Microsoft Office Access has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. To see what data this error report contains, click here.

and when you view the data in the error report, the report contains an error signature that is similar to one of the following error signatures:-

Application name Application version Module name Module version Offset
Msaccess.exe 11.0.6355.0 Msaccess.exe 11.0.6355.0 0001af50
Msaccess.exe 11.0.5614.0 Msaccess.exe 11.0.5614.0 003ccf2e
Msaccess.exe 11.0.5614.0 Msaccess.exe 11.0.5614.0 00032c94
Msaccess.exe 11.0.5614.0 Msaccess.exe 11.0.5614.0 0002cd0d
Msaccess.exe 11.0.6255.0 Oleaut32.dll 5.1.2600.2118 00008b10
Msaccess.exe 11.0.5614.0 Msaccess.exe 11.0.5614.0 0001af37
Msaccess.exe 11.0.6355.0 Owc10.dll 10.0.6712.0 0020eb79

you need to download and apply the Office 2003 Service Pack 2 found at:


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 Posted : 2008-05-05 13:10:34

I have been on SP2 for several years. Here is the error screen:


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 Posted : 2008-05-05 14:39:40
It also produces the same error screen very consistently with this code when it executes rIL.Update.  It worked for the first three records but now will not go beyond.

    Set rDB = CurrentDb
    Set rIH = rDB.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_InvoiceHeader WHERE Uploaded=False ORDER BY InvoiceID;", dbOpenDynaset)
    Set rIL = rDB.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM InvoiceLine WHERE TxnID='X';", dbOpenDynaset)
    iInvs = rIH.RecordCount
    iICnt = 1
    Do Until rIH.EOF
        Set rIS = rDB.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM qry_InvoiceSumLine WHERE InvoiceID=" & rIH!InvoiceID & ";", dbOpenSnapshot)
        iLines = rIS.RecordCount
        For iCnt = 1 To iLines
            Progress iICnt, iCnt, iInvs
            rIL!RefNumber = rIS!InvoiceID
            rIL!CustomerRefListID = rIS!CustomerListID
            rIL!DueDate = rIS!DueDate
            rIL!TxnDate = rIS!InvoiceDate
            rIL!InvoiceLineItemRefListID = rIS!ItemRefListID
            rIL!InvoiceLineDesc = rIS!DetailType
            rIL!InvoiceLineQuantity = rIS!SumOfQty
            rIL!InvoiceLineRate = rIS!Rate
            rIL!InvoiceLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID = "20000-1123278384"

            If iCnt < iLines Then ' Last one is False
                rIL!FQSaveToCache = True
                rIL!FQSaveToCache = False
            End If
        rIH!Uploaded = True
        iICnt = iICnt + 1

However, the following code has never generated an error:

        Set rDBComp = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_Company WHERE CompanyID=" & Me.CompanyID & ";", dbOpenSnapshot)
        sQBFields = "[ListID], [Name], [CompanyName], [Phone], [AltPhone], [Fax], [Email], " & _
                    "[ShipAddressAddr1], [ShipAddressAddr2], [ShipAddressAddr3], [ShipAddressCity], [ShipAddressState], [ShipAddressPostalCode], " & _
                    "[BillAddressAddr1], [BillAddressAddr2], [BillAddressAddr3], [BillAddressCity], [BillAddressState], [BillAddressPostalCode]"
        If IsNull(CustomerListID) Then
            Set rQBCust = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT " & sQBFields & " FROM Customer", dbOpenDynaset)
            rQBCust![Name] = Left(rDBComp!Company, 41)
            Set rQBCust = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT " & sQBFields & " FROM Customer WHERE ListID='" & CustomerListID & "';", dbOpenDynaset)
        End If
        rQBCust![CompanyName] = Left(rDBComp!Company, 41)
        rQBCust![ShipAddressAddr1] = rDBComp!CAddress1
        rQBCust![ShipAddressAddr2] = rDBComp!CAddress2
        rQBCust![ShipAddressAddr3] = rDBComp!CAddress3
        rQBCust![ShipAddressCity] = rDBComp!CCity
        rQBCust![ShipAddressState] = rDBComp!CState
        rQBCust![ShipAddressPostalCode] = rDBComp!CZip
        rQBCust![BillAddressAddr1] = rDBComp!BAddress1
        rQBCust![BillAddressAddr2] = rDBComp!BAddress2
        rQBCust![BillAddressAddr3] = rDBComp!BAddress3
        rQBCust![BillAddressCity] = rDBComp!BCity
        rQBCust![BillAddressState] = rDBComp!BState
        rQBCust![BillAddressPostalCode] = rDBComp!BZip
        rQBCust![Phone] = rDBComp!Phone
        rQBCust![AltPhone] = rDBComp![Toll-Free]
        rQBCust![Fax] = rDBComp!Fax
        rQBCust![Email] = rDBComp!BEmail
        If IsNull(CustomerListID) Then
            sCustListID = DLookup("[ListID]", "Customer", "[Name]='" & rDBComp!Company & "'")
            CustomerListID = sCustListID
            DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
        End If

By the way, do you know a better way to get the ListID for a new record?

Let me know if you want a trace or something.

Thanks for your help.


 Group: Administrator 
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 Posted : 2008-05-05 14:50:48

Most MS Access programmers are using DoCmd.RunSQL commands like this:-

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO QB_InvoiceLine ( RefNumber, InvoiceLineItemRefListID, InvoiceLineDesc, " & _
    "InvoiceLineQuantity, InvoiceLineRate, InvoiceLineClassRefListID, InvoiceLineTaxCodeRefListID, " & _
    "CustomFieldVFBatchNo, FQSaveToCache )" & _
    "VALUES ('Me.RefNumber', 'Me.InvoiceLineItemRefListID', 'Me.InvoiceLineDesc', 'Me.InvoiceLineQuantity', " & _
    "'Me.InvoiceLineRate', 'Me.InvoiceLineClassRefListID', 'Me.InvoiceLineTaxCodeRefListID', 'Me.CustomFieldVFBatchNo', 0)"

See also: When I use Linked tables in MS Access the ODBC link locks-up? 


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 Posted : 2008-05-05 14:59:56
I have used that method as well, but it causes problems with names that include aprostrophes and other special characters.  I would rather fix the actual problem rather than look for a work-around right away, and I am still having the original problem. 

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 Posted : 2008-05-06 00:02:01
I re-wrote the code replacing what is commented and still get the same error.  BTW, I can view InvoiceLine without any problems.

'            rIL.AddNew
'            rIL!RefNumber = rIS!InvoiceID
'            rIL!CustomerRefListID = rIS!CustomerListID
'            rIL!DueDate = rIS!DueDate
'            rIL!TxnDate = rIS!InvoiceDate
'            rIL!InvoiceLineItemRefListID = rIS!ItemRefListID
'            rIL!InvoiceLineDesc = rIS!DetailType
'            rIL!InvoiceLineQuantity = rIS!SumOfQty
'            rIL!InvoiceLineRate = rIS!Rate
'            rIL!InvoiceLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID = "20000-1123278384"
'            If iCnt < iLines Then ' Last one is False
'                rIL!FQSaveToCache = True
'            Else
'                rIL!FQSaveToCache = False
'            End If
'            rIL.Update

            DoCmd.RunSQL "" & _
            "INSERT INTO InvoiceLine ( " & _
                "RefNumber, " & _
                "CustomerRefListID, " & _
                "DueDate, " & _
                "TxnDate, " & _
                "InvoiceLineItemRefListID, " & _
                "InvoiceLineDesc, " & _
                "InvoiceLineQuantity, " & _
                "InvoiceLineRate, " & _
                "InvoiceLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID, " & _
                "FQSaveToCache ) " & _
            "VALUES ( '" & _
                rIS!InvoiceID & "', '" & _
                rIS!CustomerListID & "', #" & _
                rIS!DueDate & "#, #" & _
                rIS!InvoiceDate & "#, '" & _
                rIS!ItemRefListID & "', '" & _
                rIS!DetailType & "', " & _
                rIS!SumOfQty & ", " & _
                rIS!Rate & ", " & _
                "'20000-1123278384', " & _
                IIf(iCnt < iLines, "True", "False") & " );" 

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 Posted : 2008-05-06 12:21:31
Any progress on this? 

 Group: Administrator 
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 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-05-06 15:26:17

You clearly state some things work while other things cause exception errors within MS Access. You we need to go through the trace log to see what the true nature of the errors are.

See: How do I turn on the trace log? 

That doesn't mean post the whole trace file. Run the program until an error and then look at the end of the trace to see what was happening at that point of time only.


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 Posted : 2008-05-07 14:11:43
Sorry.  I do not really know what I am looking at.  But here is what I do know:

When I single step through that code, the exception occurs at the moment the program executes the rs.update or when it executes the insert query (I have written and tested the code both ways, as above).  Before I step past those lines, I use the ControlTip feature in the compiler to verify that all the variables are delivering data to the fields in InvliceLines -- and they are.

The trace seems to refer to that Insert operation right before the end of the file, but the rest does not mean anything to me.  Can you please interpret it?  Here is the last section:

    0x09B49938 [ISAM]
    INSERT INTO  "InvoiceLine"  ("CustomerRefListID","TxnDate","RefNumber","DueDate","InvoiceLineItemRefListID","InvoiceLineDesc","InvoiceLineQuantity","InvoiceLineRate","InvoiceLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID","FQSaveToCache") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
    0x00000000 [ISAMStatement]
    0x09B49938 [ISAM]
    0x09B49938 [ISAM]
    0x09B49938 [ISAM]
    Table Name: InvoiceLine
    Table Alias:
    Read Only: FALSE
    Query Index: 1
    Unoptimized: TRUE
    NoSync: FALSE
    DoSync: FALSE
    DoFullSync: FALSE
    DoChunking: FALSE
    ErrorOnMissing: TRUE


 Group: Administrator 
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 Posted : 2008-05-07 14:49:13

Ok, take your values and subsitute them in:

INSERT INTO  "InvoiceLine"  ("CustomerRefListID","TxnDate","RefNumber","DueDate","InvoiceLineItemRefListID","InvoiceLineDesc","InvoiceLineQuantity","InvoiceLineRate","InvoiceLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID","FQSaveToCache") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)

using VBDemo to see what the true error is.


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 Posted : 2008-05-09 01:24:47
Here is the string I entered into VB Demo 32:

INSERT INTO InvoiceLine (CustomerRefListID,TxnDate,RefNumber,DueDate,InvoiceLineItemRefListID,InvoiceLineDesc,InvoiceLineQuantity,InvoiceLineRate,InvoiceLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID,FQSaveToCache) VALUES ("640000-1130425947", #6/4/2008#, "487", #6/4/2008#, "F0000-1139330365", "Spanish", 12, 1.5, "20000-1123278384", -1);

Here is the error:
[QODBC] Expected lexical element not found: )

I am pretty sure this statement does not need another paren.  Can you see what I am not?


 Group: Administrator 
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 Posted : 2008-05-09 08:05:27
Ok when using VBDemo you can't use the MS Access date format: #6/4/2008#, it needs to be: {d'2008-04-06'}. Also FQSaveToCache needs to be either 0 or 1, not -1. 

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 Posted : 2008-05-10 03:13:42

INSERT INTO InvoiceLine (CustomerRefListID, TxnDate, RefNumber, DueDate, InvoiceLineItemRefListID, InvoiceLineDesc, InvoiceLineQuantity, InvoiceLineRate, InvoiceLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID, FQSaveToCache) VALUES ("640000-1130425947", {d'2008/04/06'}, "487", {d'2008/04/06'}, "F0000-1139330365", "Spanish", 12, 1.5, "20000-1123278384", 1);


[QODBC] Expected lexical element not found:<identifier>

I can't seem to get this right.  What do you see now?

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 Posted : 2008-05-10 08:52:44
Not {d'2008/04/06'} it should be {d'2008-04-06'} 

 Group: Members 
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 Posted : 2008-05-11 15:52:52
Sorry for all the errors.  I think I finally have something interesting to look at.

Here is what I entered:
INSERT INTO InvoiceLine (CustomerRefListID, TxnDate, RefNumber, DueDate, InvoiceLineItemRefListID, InvoiceLineDesc, InvoiceLineQuantity, InvoiceLineRate, InvoiceLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID, FQSaveToCache) VALUES ('640000-1130425947', {d'2008-04-06'}, '487', {d'2008-04-06'}, 'F0000-1139330365', 'Spanish', 12, 1.5, '20000-1123278384', 1)

I got the following response from VB Demo, followed by an exception as shown.  Do you have any insight to offer?


 Group: Administrator 
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 Posted : 2008-05-12 08:38:01

Sorry, I have no problem with the INSERT (using the right values from my company file):-

INSERT INTO InvoiceLine (CustomerRefListID, TxnDate, RefNumber, DueDate,
InvoiceLineItemRefListID, InvoiceLineDesc, InvoiceLineQuantity, InvoiceLineRate,
InvoiceLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID, FQSaveToCache)
VALUES ('800000AB-1197771382', {d'2008-04-06'}, '487', {d'2008-04-06'},
'40000-933272655', 'Spanish', 12, 1.5,
'10000-999022286', 0)

I'm not to sure why you're using Build 243 when Build 242 is the current Public QC Tested version? I suggest you reboot, and try the inserts on another company file. It is possible you have a corrupted company file. Also, make sure you clearly state what version of QuickBooks you are using in any reply.


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