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Forum : Network problem, session aborted due to internal error in remote procedure call, connection closed.Search Forum

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 Network problem, session aborted due to internal error in remote procedure call, connection closed. 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 17 
 Joined: 2008-12-30 
 Posted : 2009-02-13 05:45:34
When trying to create this invoice below - I get the error above. All the variables are being populated correctly inside the queries.

I am occasionally received a TCP/IP connect error as well.

We have the full version of 9 with key installed communicating with Enterprise v9 Quickbooks. I am able to run table/column queries and bring back results successfully now.

<CFQUERY name="dealer" datasource="#dsn3#" username="#user3#" password="#pass3#">
INSERT INTO invoiceline
(InvoiceLineItemRefListID,InvoiceLineDesc,InvoiceLineQuantity,InvoiceLineAmount,CustomFieldProduct,FQSaveToCache) VALUES

<CFQUERY name="recipient" datasource="#dsn3#" username="#user3#" password="#pass3#">
INSERT INTO invoiceline
(InvoiceLineItemRefListID,InvoiceLineDesc,InvoiceLineQuantity,InvoiceLineAmount,CustomFieldProduct,FQSaveToCache) VALUES

<CFQUERY name="item" datasource="#dsn3#" username="#user3#" password="#pass3#">
INSERT INTO invoiceline
(InvoiceLineItemRefListID,InvoiceLineQuantity,InvoiceLineAmount,CustomFieldProduct,FQSaveToCache) VALUES
('<CFIF order.size CONTAINS "Adult">#Trim(item.aqbid)#<CFELSEIF order.size CONTAINS "Woman">#Trim(item.wqbid)#<CFELSEIF order.size CONTAINS "Youth">#Trim(item.yqbid)#<CFELSE>#Trim(item.pqbid)#</CFIF>',1,#order.price#,'#order.orderid#',2)

<CFQUERY name="freight" datasource="#dsn3#" username="#user3#" password="#pass3#">
INSERT INTO invoiceline
(InvoiceLineItemRefListID,InvoiceLineQuantity,InvoiceLineAmount,CustomFieldProduct,FQSaveToCache) VALUES

<CFQUERY name="qbtables" datasource="#dsn3#" username="#user3#" password="#pass3#">
(CustomerRefListID,ShipAddressAddr1,ShipAddressAddr2,ShipAddressAddr3,ShipAddressCity,ShipAddressState,ShipAddressPostalCode,FOB,ShipMethodRefListID,CustomerMsgRefListID,IsToBeEmailed) VALUES
('#Trim(div.divisionqbid)#','#order.shipfirst# #order.shiplast#','#order.shipaddress1#','#order.shipaddress2#','#order.shipcity#','#order.shipstate#','#order.shipzip#','Oklahoma City','80000-862514995','40001-1192753084',1)

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2009-02-13 10:17:08

Firstly, FQSaveToCache shoud be a 0 or a 1 and not a 2. Secondly, it's not our job to determine what the ColdFusion script does with ('<CFIF order.size CONTAINS "Adult">#Trim(item.aqbid)#<CFELSEIF order.size CONTAINS "Woman">#Trim(item.wqbid)#<CFELSEIF order.size CONTAINS "Youth">#Trim(item.yqbid)#<CFELSE>#Trim(item.pqbid)#</CFIF>',1,#order.price#,'#order.orderid#',2).

Based on my previous experience with ColdFusion you just need to put a loop or delay between the inserts. ColdFusion is sending then all at once.


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 17 
 Joined: 2008-12-30 
 Posted : 2009-02-13 13:57:16
Hello Tom,

I am not expecting you to decode the Coldfusion. I copy/pasted the code in, im sure you can look past the cf coding. As far as the FQSaveToCache - I received the error below with 1 and 2 in the value.

Coldfusion processes in order of appearance, which means whatever is first gets processed first, when its done with that process it goes to the next process in order. It is not sending the request all at once.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2009-02-13 14:33:08
Correct, but as these are INSERTs there's no values returned and ColdFusion moves on to the next insert. Try doing a simple one line Invoice. Wait and then do another. 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 17 
 Joined: 2008-12-30 
 Posted : 2009-02-17 07:52:31
Is this QODBC program for real?

I do the inserts and get this error now:

Error parsing complete XML return string

So I try to query the tables to make sure we have the correct ID's being inserted (which these id's were correct prior to upgrading, and we did get an invoice to go thru prior to upgrading), and then I get this error:

QB Open Connection Failed. Error = 80040402, Exception in OpenConnection: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

So the first error locked something up - because prior to the first error I could access the tables and data fine.

You may not know how frustrating this is - but IT IS.

If this software is not stable enough to run RDS on a remote machine that connects to another machine via IP/Port - please let me know. Because I have done thorough testing on this for 2 months, and my hypothesis is this is NOT stable at all - and would never sustain 30+ uses and connecting in a one-day period. I am really tired of spinning wheels and wasting my time on something that is not going to work.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2009-02-17 10:08:14
All Server / Windows Services using QODBC should use the QODBC Server Edition, the QODBC DCOMs and QuickBooks, and they all should be running on the same machine. RDS is mean't for remote workstation connections and operations, not remote server operations. 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 17 
 Joined: 2008-12-30 
 Posted : 2009-02-17 10:24:41
We are using all the correct versions - paid in full with keys installed.

We were told this would work perfect remote to remote over the web via ip/port connection. This was the only connection type we were interested in - not peer-to-peer.

It appears as of now - this is not the case from your reply.


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