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Forum : Slow db transactionswith qb pro 2005Search Forum

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 Slow db transactionswith qb pro 2005 
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  Matthew Newell 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 6 
 Joined: 2006-10-31 
 Posted : 2006-10-31 03:10:10

when we insert an order / job into QB company file it takes up to 60 seconds.  We are using qodbc driver version and have it set to follow company file.  It was working fast before but the users are reporting a grandual slow down. I pointed it at a smaller compnay file and had no luck it was still slow.  We upgraded to version pro 2005 and re-installed this driver.  I cleared all the log files for qodbc but it did not help.  Also we get pauses when we do transactions with qb were a box comes up and says its busy to switch to or retry I hit switch to or retry and it eventually finishes the operation. we have two users using the system can you identify the problem, here is our account info:

TruPine Products is the name of our company and we purchased on jan 2005, thanks



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-10-31 09:33:40

This sounds like the QuickBooks backend. What is the INSERT response when no other users are logged in? Are you using unattended mode or is QuickBooks running with the company file open on the desktop? You are using a very old version of QODBC and we now have new Integrated Application Defaults Authorization popup settings when using QuickBooks 2005.

Did you recently apply an auto-update to QuickBooks?


  Matthew Newell 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 6 
 Joined: 2006-10-31 
 Posted : 2006-11-03 04:18:28
we have it set to follow company file and have it pointed on it through a network mapped drive, it used to work fine this way.  Yes we have to have the company file open on each pc that runs the pos software that talks to qb and they all log in as different users, also the admin must be logged in, so all the stations are openning the same company file thats being written to as well as the admin PC that has the company file locally. 

  Matthew Newell 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 6 
 Joined: 2006-10-31 
 Posted : 2006-11-03 04:22:32
Also they did upgrade from 2003 qb to 2005 both pro, they are unsure if this was when the trouble started.  When I put the status display on it pauses trying to connect and then finally starts the transaction, before it connected immediate. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-11-03 08:30:32
Sorry, you will need to update QODBC. You have upgraded QuickBooks without updating QODBC. Contact our Sales Office for the pricing as we do have discounts for muliple copies. 

  Matthew Newell 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 6 
 Joined: 2006-10-31 
 Posted : 2006-11-08 03:19:21

My client TruPine says they already upgraded both QB and the QODBC  driver when they cghanged to 2005 pro and I have been told the version 5 is fine for QB 2005 pro, just not QB 2006, the performance was fine with the ver 5 qodbc but degraded, were really not sure whats going on, maybe we were upgraded with the wrong qodbc version of the driver?  My client insists he upgraded.



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-11-08 10:27:35
The current QODBC release is v7.00.00.200. Your client still needs to download and update QODBC because v5 is no longer supported. See: How can I get the latest version of QODBC?  

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