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Forum : recieve paymentSearch Forum

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 recieve payment 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 17 
 Joined: 2007-01-06 
 Posted : 2008-11-18 16:59:36

I've looked at the threads posted here for help before posting this. I am trying to insert a record into the recieved payment table and for some reason it just wont have any of it

The command line works fine in the vb demo app, but not when running this code in an asp page.  What am i missing

Dim cnQODBC As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection

Dim daQODBC As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter

Dim dsQODBC As System.Data.DataSet

' open connection to QuickBooks

cnQODBC = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection("DSN=QuickBooks Data")


' Read 12 lines out the file



For LineCounter = 1 To 13

InputFileLine = Sr.ReadLine




' First Record

InputFileLine = Sr.ReadLine

daQODBC = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter("SELECT TxnID, CustomerRefListID From InvoiceLine where RefNumber = '" & Trim(Mid(InputFileLine, 43, 6)) & "'", cnQODBC)

dsQODBC = New System.Data.DataSet

daQODBC.Fill(dsQODBC, "TempTable")

strTxnID = dsQODBC.Tables(0).Rows(1).Item(0).ToString

strCustRef = dsQODBC.Tables(0).Rows(1).Item(1).ToString

' Finished with dataset so dispose






' Mark payment as paid



daQODBC = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter

cmdQODBC = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand("INSERT INTO ReceivePaymentLine (CustomerRefListID, DepositToAccountRefListID, TotalAmount, PaymentMethodRefListID, RefNumber, AppliedToTxnTxnID, AppliedToTxnPaymentAmount, TxnDate, Memo ) Values ('20002-1167773758' , '4D0000-1168431348' , 58.75, 'A0000-1167772879', 'BACS11112008', '2ACB6-1225699749', 58.75, {d'2008-11-11'}, 'IMPORTED PAYMENT' ", cnQODBC)

daQODBC.InsertCommand = cmdQODBC


exit Do

Loop Until InStr(1, InputFileLine, "Transaction Count") > 0

Catch ex As Exception

' Write error scripts here



End Try

This runs ok but the payment doesn't get put into quickbooks... Help





i really do need help, this computer stuff is like double dutch  
 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-11-18 18:08:07

I think a ) is missing:

cmdQODBC = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand("INSERT INTO ReceivePaymentLine (CustomerRefListID, DepositToAccountRefListID, TotalAmount, PaymentMethodRefListID, RefNumber, AppliedToTxnTxnID, AppliedToTxnPaymentAmount, TxnDate, Memo ) Values ('20002-1167773758' , '4D0000-1168431348' , 58.75, 'A0000-1167772879', 'BACS11112008', '2ACB6-1225699749', 58.75, {d'2008-11-11'}, 'IMPORTED PAYMENT' )", cnQODBC)

See: How do I create a new Customer, invoice them and mark the invoice as paid? for a complete example.



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