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Forum : How do I add customers?Search Forum

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 How do I add customers? 
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 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-02-25 20:28:46

If you need to create a customer, you can use a format similar to this:

For USA Editions of QuickBooks:
INSERT INTO "customer" ("Name","LastName","FirstName","BillAddressAddr1",
values('Zuniga, Daphne','Zuniga','Daphne','Daphne Zuniga','561 W 4th

For Non-USA Editions of QuickBooks:
INSERT INTO "customer" ("Name","LastName","FirstName","BillAddressAddr1",
values('Zuniga, Daphne','Zuniga','Daphne','Daphne Zuniga','561 Smith

For jobs, add ParentRefListID or ParentRefFullName of the Jobs parent record.

Note: Name must be unique across Customer, Employee, Vendor, and OtherName. You can query the Entity to verify if a name already exists.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-03-10 08:15:51

I have inserted a new customer successfully. The customer shows in QuickBooks, but when I do a query in the VB Demo application the customer record isn't there. What causes that to happen and how do I fix it?

This occurs when your computer's time setting has been changed or when using a QuickBooks sample file. When this happens you can resync your optimized customer table by running:-

sp_optimizefullsync customer

or you can by-pass the optimized table by doing:-

select * from customer unoptimized


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-04-05 08:45:32

That's nice but what about if I wanted to create a new Customer including custom fields with values in them?

While you can use the CustomField table, here's the more straightforward method of creating a new customer and updating a custom field. Using the Sample Rock Castle Construction example in QuickBooks 2006, if you do a:

sp_columns customer

You will see that the example has the following Custom Fields: CustomFieldBDay, CustomFieldContract and CustomFieldSpousesName. The only limitation is that we can't insert them in an insert, but updates are not a problem!

To create a new customer, you can use a format similar to this:

INSERT INTO "customer" ("Name","LastName","FirstName","BillAddressAddr1",
values('Zuniga, Daphne','Zuniga','Daphne','Daphne Zuniga','561 W 4th

To find the ListID of our new Customer just created we run the stored procedure:


Now that we have the ListID for our new customer, we can simply update the Custom Field Contract with the contract number by doing:

Update Customer Set CustomFieldContract='QODBCJOB1' where ListID='AB0000-1197756245'

And there you have it! To check that everything actually worked just do:

Select ListID, Name, FullName, CustomFieldContract from Customer where ListID='AB0000-1197756245'

Still don't believe it's that simple? Let's look inside QuickBooks ..... Wow!


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-03-21 09:53:45

For QuickBooks 2007 USA Editions you now have access to 5th address line (Notes). The following select statement shows all the default columns (except for any custom columns):

SELECT "ListID","TimeCreated","TimeModified","EditSequence","Name","FullName","IsActive","ParentRefListID",
FROM "Customer"


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