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Forum : Important Select Query Speed QuestionSearch Forum

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 Important Select Query Speed Question 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 41 
 Joined: 2007-02-02 
 Posted : 2008-11-04 05:08:59

I'm about to start a project using QODBC and I need your advice as to which provides the best query speed or whether there is anything I can do to improve the speed.

I am writing a cash flow application in Excel with ADO.  Each cell will have a custom function that results in a QODBC SELECT query and there may be hundreds of function calls.  I need your advice as to which one of these methods I should use (see examples below).

Option 1 - Query transaction table with JOIN.  For me takes 1.15 secs per query (So 500 queries would take 10 min ... too long)

Option 2 - Query a report to try to get the same data 0.35 secs per query, so 500 queries will take 3 min.  Much faster, but harder to code and the resulting code is a lot harder to understand.

Option 3 - Do one Query, return the recordset to Excel, using EXCEL functions or even ADO to perform subsequent queries in memory.  Speed is nearly instant but its a lot more coding and somewhat defeats the purpose of the direct connect with QODBC.  Snapshot is fine, but I had hoped to avoid a lot of SUMIFS, SUMPRODUCT, VLOOKUP formulae, but I'm leaning this way.

Option 4 - Use the transaction table so that no JOIN is needed.  I've not tried this yet.

Option 5 - Something else I had overlooked and the nature of this posted question?????

Obviously, I would use Option 1 if it were faster.

In the example below, I need to filter on account.  If I use the BILL table, account is not available.  If I use BilIItemLine, the account is still not available unless I join to Item table, which appears to take a long time.  I removed the account filter just to test the rest of the query speed, but that is the reason for my join.

Example of Option 1 - 1.15 seconds per query.

vSQL = "Select sum(itemlineamount) as vTotal " _
& "from BillItemLine Inner Join Item on BillItemLine.ItemLineItemRefListID = Item.ListID Where BillItemLine.IsPaid = False " _
& "and TxnDate >= " & "{d'" & Format(date1, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'}" & " And TxnDate <= " & "{d'" & Format(date2, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'}"

Example of Option 2 - 0.35 seconds per query

vSQL = "sp_report CustomTxnDetail show sum(amount) as vTotal parameters DateFrom = " _
& "{d'" & Format(date1, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'} " & ", DateTo =  " & "{d'" & Format(date2, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'} " _
& ", TxnFilterTypes = 'Bill' " _
& ", SummarizeRowsBy = 'TotalOnly' Where PaidStatus='Unpaid'"


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-11-05 13:48:42

This should speed up Option 1:

vSQL = "Select sum(itemlineamount) as vTotal " _
& "from BillItemLine NOSYNC, Item NOSYNC where BillItemLine.ItemLineItemRefListID = Item.ListID and BillItemLine.IsPaid = False " _
& "and TxnDate >= " & "{d'" & Format(date1, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'}" & " And TxnDate <= " & "{d'" & Format(date2, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'}"


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 41 
 Joined: 2007-02-02 
 Posted : 2008-11-05 15:09:34

Thanks for the excellent suggestion.

That took Option 1 from 1.15 secs per query to 0.2 second per query, faster than the SP equivalent.

So, 500 queries would take 1.6 minutes. 

I tried Option 3 using ADO and it's instant (since everything is in RAM), but a lot more coding and error-prone..  ADO with Excel has a known bug where it tests the first 8 to 16 rows to determine if a field is numeric or text and, unfortunately, defaults to text instead of numeric.  SUMIF and SUMPRODUCT formulae are messy and hard to read.

So, I think Option 1 is best. 

Support on this forum is really excellent.  Thanks.


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