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Forum : Can I use FlexODBC v3.x on Terminal Server?Search Forum

Forum Home > FlexODBC - ODBC Driver for DataFlex Embedded DBMS > FlexODBC Frequently Asked Questions

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 Can I use FlexODBC v3.x on Terminal Server? 
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 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-02-26 12:03:53
When using Terminal Server, or Citrix, you need to manually transfer the FlexODBC registration details into the ODBCINST.INI file contained in the Documents and Settings "Windows" folder for each user on the server (or the Users Home directory) as the FlexODBC registration system doesn't automatically propagate its registration details. This can be done manually by following these steps:
bullet Open Notepad and open the main ODBCINST.INI file located on your server within the c:\WINNT folder. Scroll to the bottom of the file and copy the entries for [DataFlex Driver (32 Bit)] into your clipboard by highlight the details with your mouse and using Ctrl-C. Your ODBCINST.INI file will have your actual registration details as per your FlexODBC license and will look something like this:-

[DataFlex Driver (32 Bit)]
RegName=Your Registration Name
RegSerial=Your Serial #
RegCode=Your Reg #
RegCount=Your Count 1, 4 etc if applicable
bullet Close the file and open for each user under "Documents and Settings" the ODBCINST.INI file found in the "WINDOWS" folder. Scroll down to the bottom of the file. You should be able to locate the [DataFlex Driver (32 Bit)] label. There will be no registration details shown. Replace the contents with those in your clipboard using Ctrl-V.
bullet If the Windows folder for the user doesn't contain ODBCINST.INI, copy both the ODBC.INI and ODBCINST.INI file from the c:\WINNT folder instead.

FlexODBC should then run licensed to that user and will no longer be in demo mode.


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