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 FlexODBC and IIS accessing files on a Netware Server 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 1 
 Joined: 2006-09-09 
 Posted : 2006-09-09 14:56:57

My datafiles are located on a netware server (it is not an option to change this). I am trying to make some web apps using asp pages on a Win2k IIS server that will need to access the files via the odbc driver. The IIS server has no problem accessing files on the netware server if I can use the unc path (ie. \\server\volume\dir). However flexodbc can't use a unc path as the data source. If I'm logged into the console I can map a drive and use that driver letter as the data source for flexodbc, however that doesn't seem to be available for the IUSR_MACHINE_NAME user when it is running the asp pages.

Can anyone give me a workaround here. I see two options figure out how to get flexodbc to access datafiles via a unc path or figure out how to get IIS to keep a mapped drive open for the IUSR_X so flexodbc can use the mapped drive.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-09-09 17:35:22
The solution is to copy the datafiles from the Novell Netware Server to the Win2k server and forget about Netware. FlexODBC doesn't support UNC paths and even if it did, it would still require the IUSR_Win2kservername to have full access to the datafile folder on the Netware Server. 

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