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Forum : Values Write to Table but Don't Update on FormSearch Forum

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 Values Write to Table but Don't Update on Form 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 25 
 Joined: 2006-10-05 
 Posted : 2006-11-09 04:28:09
I am using a form to update values by hand in a Custom Field in Customer and Vendor.  I can type the value into the empty field, but as soon as that field loses focus, the value disappears.  But if I immediately requery the form, I can see that the value was written to the table because it reappears.  I went to the underlying query and got the same behavior. 

Here is the SQL version of the query I am using:

SELECT Vendor.Name, Vendor.CustomFieldSPID
FROM Vendor
WHERE (((Vendor.IsActive)=Yes))
ORDER BY Vendor.Name;

What am I missing?


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-11-09 11:26:55

I don't have your Custom field, but I used this query:

SELECT Vendor.Name, Vendor.CustomFieldDiscountAvailable
FROM Vendor
WHERE Vendor.IsActive=TRUE
ORDER BY Vendor.Name

and setup a MS Access form using the query:

When I enter a discount percentage, the value is saved, but I couldn't see the change until I reopened the form. Why? That's because my optimized table cannot see immediate changes to custom fields until I closed the connection. You will need to setup another DSN with the optimizer turned off to get around this behaviour.


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