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Forum : TimeTracking query (simple)Search Forum

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 TimeTracking query (simple) 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 7 
 Joined: 2007-08-22 
 Posted : 2007-08-22 04:07:41

First of all, Hello everyone!


I have been attempting to create a simple SQL query that gives me a list of Jobs and the amount of time spent on that job.

What I have so far is....

SELECT TimeTracking.CustomerRefFullName, TimeTracking.DurationMinutes
FROM Customer Customer, TimeTracking TimeTracking
WHERE Customer.ListID = TimeTracking.CustomerRefListID AND ((TimeTracking.ItemServiceRefFullName Like '%/REG%') AND (Customer.JobStatus='InProgress') AND (TimeTracking.BillableStatus='Billable'))
ORDER BY TimeTracking.CustomerRefFullName

The results look like... (truncated version, my list is 295 records.)


I need this list to show each unique job and the total (sum) of time in hours.

That would look like this... (if  my math is correct.)


Can you help?



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-08-22 10:43:34

Just use GROUP BY instead of ORDER BY and sum the minutes like this:

SELECT TimeTracking.CustomerRefFullName, sum(TimeTracking.DurationMinutes) as "Total Minutes"
FROM Customer Customer, TimeTracking TimeTracking
WHERE Customer.ListID = TimeTracking.CustomerRefListID AND ((TimeTracking.ItemServiceRefFullName Like '%/REG%') AND (Customer.JobStatus='InProgress') AND (TimeTracking.BillableStatus='Billable'))
GROUP BY TimeTracking.CustomerRefFullName

or for hours:

SELECT TimeTracking.CustomerRefFullName, sum(TimeTracking.DurationMinutes /60) as "Total Hours"
FROM Customer Customer, TimeTracking TimeTracking
WHERE Customer.ListID = TimeTracking.CustomerRefListID AND ((TimeTracking.ItemServiceRefFullName Like '%/REG%') AND (Customer.JobStatus='InProgress') AND (TimeTracking.BillableStatus='Billable'))
GROUP BY TimeTracking.CustomerRefFullName


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 7 
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 Posted : 2007-08-22 23:01:28

Uh oh... got an error message with that one.

Expected lexical element not found: <Identifier>

I'm using Microsoft Query (11.510.8132) from within Excel 2003

Thanks for your help!



 Group: Members 
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 Posted : 2007-08-23 01:19:59

That works in QReportBuilder... but not in MSQuery


Additionally I'm going to need to add another few colums after the Total Hours, which was based on... "(TimeTracking.ItemServiceRefFullName Like '%/REG%')"

One of these additional columns would be for "(TimeTracking.ItemServiceRefFullName Like '%/OT%')"

If I can see how you do one... I'm sure I can do the rest!

Thanks so much for helping me with these simple basic queries that I just am too new to know how to do on my own.

Forgive me...



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
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 Posted : 2007-08-23 08:12:57
Just add the column names with commas between them in the SELECT part before the FROM command. 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 7 
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 Posted : 2007-08-23 09:35:10

Sorry, I wasn't clear

The next column would aso be a.....      sum(TimeTracking.DurationMinutes) as "Overtime"

but the where clause would change by... "(TimeTracking.ItemServiceRefFullName Like '%/OT%')"


So how do I do that?

Thanks again.


 Group: Administrator 
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 Posted : 2007-08-23 19:19:32

The simple approach would be to run the overtime as a seperate query.

SELECT TimeTracking.CustomerRefFullName, sum(TimeTracking.DurationMinutes /60) as "Overtime Hours"
FROM Customer Customer, TimeTracking TimeTracking
WHERE Customer.ListID = TimeTracking.CustomerRefListID AND ((TimeTracking.ItemServiceRefFullName Like '%/OT%') AND (Customer.JobStatus='InProgress') AND (TimeTracking.BillableStatus='Billable'))
GROUP BY TimeTracking.CustomerRefFullName


 Group: Members 
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 Posted : 2007-08-28 23:47:40
I'm sorry to be so much trouble, but I've not been able to come up with the correct query for what I am attempting to do.
    The problem comes when I try to make two different columns in the same query based on the same field but having two different values.
For instance...
    In column one I have a list of all customers who have a Job with [JobStatus]='InProgress' and [BillableStatus]='Billable' (No problems here.)
    In column two I want a sum([DurationMinutes]/60) where [ItemServiceRefFullName] like 'REG'.
    In column three I want a sum([DurationMinutes]/60) where [ItemServiceRefFullName] like 'OT'.
I've not yet to get this to work with any type of query I have designed on any query system... Access, Microsoft Query or QReportBuilder.
The below query works properly in Excel Microsoft Query, if I only want the first two columns... adding that third column seems to be my stop point.
SELECT TimeTracking.CustomerRefFullName, Sum(TimeTracking.DurationMinutes/60)
FROM Customer Customer, TimeTracking TimeTracking
WHERE Customer.ListID = TimeTracking.CustomerRefListID AND ((TimeTracking.ItemServiceRefFullName Like 'Labor:%%/REG') AND (Customer.JobStatus='InProgress') AND (TimeTracking.BillableStatus='Billable'))
GROUP BY TimeTracking.CustomerRefFullName
I tried using the DSum function in Access but that returned the same number repeatedly down columns two and three.
If this has to be done as seperate queries then I don't understand how to join the two queries together to get my final results.
 Thanks so much for your help. 

 Group: Administrator 
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 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-08-29 08:42:43

Actually it turns out that combining the two queries is very simple by inserting another group by layer. This allows you to see both Regular (/REG) and Overtime (/OT} hours:-

SELECT TimeTracking.CustomerRefFullName, TimeTracking.ItemServiceRefFullName,
sum(TimeTracking.DurationMinutes /60) as "Total Hours"
FROM Customer Customer, TimeTracking TimeTracking
WHERE Customer.ListID = TimeTracking.CustomerRefListID AND
((TimeTracking.ItemServiceRefFullName Like '%/REG%'
OR (TimeTracking.ItemServiceRefFullName Like '%/OT%')) AND (Customer.JobStatus='InProgress')
AND (TimeTracking.BillableStatus='Billable'))
GROUP BY TimeTracking.CustomerRefFullName, TimeTracking.ItemServiceRefFullName


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 7 
 Joined: 2007-08-22 
 Posted : 2007-08-30 08:44:22

Hello All,

The ultimate solution to this problem using MS Excel 2003 was to create seperate sheets for each query and then use Excel's VLOOKUP() on a sheet to gather all the data together in the correct column format.

Thanks for your help.





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