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Forum : When I do a query by a date range I don't get any records?Search Forum

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 When I do a query by a date range I don't get any records? 
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 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-02-26 12:02:32
Make sure the query is using the correct date format for SQL as follows:

select * from small where date < {d '2006-05-27'}

Also make sure that in the ODBC section of the control panel of Windows that the settings for 2 or 4 digit years is correct. Selections on dates will only work if this setting is correct.

Note: According to ODBC rules, NULL dates (where no date has been entered) are not included in queries where a specific date comparison is requested. In the above example, dates less than the date requested will be shown, but records without a date entry (null dates) will not be included, unlike DataFlex operation. You can select these records specifically by modifying the query to:

select * from small where date < {d '1996-05-27'} or date IS NULL

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