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Forum : QuickBooks is slow when finding by Customer Name?Search Forum

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 QuickBooks is slow when finding by Customer Name? 
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  Joao Araujo 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 10 
 Joined: 2006-04-29 
 Posted : 2006-06-07 02:00:29
We are using QuickBooks with connector in a Citrix environment.
Our develope environment is bases on VS2005, .NET, Windows 2003.

We have noticed extreme slowness when doing a name comparing
search on QB. i.e.
    "select ListID from customer where name = 'teste'  "

    The above select takes about 2 minutes to execute on a machine with 8mb memory,
    2 processors, and quick storage.

Our database has around 30.000 clients. If I do the same query on a SQLServer Database
using the same technology  on the client it takes less than 1 second.

What should we do to speed up the process.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-06-07 09:17:18

Name isn't a jumpin type column. You should be using:

select ListID from customer where FullName = 'test fullname'

or if you didn't just insert a new customer:

select ListID from customer NOSYNC where FullName = 'test fullname'

for even a faster optimized answer !!

Jumpins, which act like indexes when used in a where clause can be found by running:

sp_columns Customer


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