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Forum : QODBC v7 for QuickBooks 2007 ReleasedSearch Forum

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 QODBC v7 for QuickBooks 2007 Released 
 Author   Message 
 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-10-03 16:16:46
QODBC Version is now available for download with Pass-thru SQL technology!

QODBC version 7.0 expands on the optimizer technology introduced last year to offer blazing speed on relational multi-table SQL joins by using pass-thru techniques to offer SQL Server type performance in a QuickBooks ODBC Driver.

QODBC works with all versions of QuickBooks higher than 2002, but QuickBooks 2007 provides the best performance due to changes in the way our tools can access the data inside QuickBooks.

QODBC has also been chosen to be included as a feature in the USA QuickBooks Enterprise Edition 2007 product, on the main file menu under Utilities. If you need a read-only edition of QODBC and have this version of QuickBooks, you are ready to go, no purchase required!

See: How can I get the latest version of QODBC?  for more information on how to download and install QODBC v7.

2002-2006 QODBC Driver Upgrades for Existing USA or Canadian Users 

If you're an existing QODBC USA or Canadian QuickBooks user and have upgraded your QuickBooks version, you will need to purchase a new copy of QODBC Version 7.0, and you will then be eligible to apply for a rebate on the purchase price.

Upgrading 2002-2006 USA or Canadian QODBC users can click here to download the PDF format rebate application form. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to read and print this form.

You can mail this rebate form in for a discount on the purchase price of QODBC version 7.0. this way, we can get you a code to use the product right away without requiring validation of a special upgrade price.

QuickBooks Enterprise Edition 2007 USA Users

The USA QuickBooks Enterprise Edition 2007 includes a free copy of QODBC Desktop Read Only Edition in the package. If you wish to use the advanced features of the QODBC Read/Write Edition to put data back into QuickBooks, or our Server Edition for use on Web Servers and Data Servers, you can get a USD$100 discount to either of these editions using this upgrade rebate form. 

See also: Microsoft Windows Vista, Versions of QuickBooks Prior to 2007, and QODBC  

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