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Forum : Trying to recreate sp_Report OpenInvoices as SQL querySearch Forum

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 Trying to recreate sp_Report OpenInvoices as SQL query 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 2 
 Joined: 2009-01-20 
 Posted : 2009-01-20 01:45:17

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to recreate the Open Invoices report using SQL queries. Basically, I need the data in the report, but I need it "flattened" and not hierarchical. Furthermore, the debtor code is not included in the report. The following query gives me the list of open invoices, and it includes all fields that I need:

 Invoice Invoice
 Invoice.IsPaid = 0

However, this obviously does not include credit notes or deposits. I've tried the CreditMemo table, but haven't been able to figure out how to determine if a credit note has been settled or not. The same goes for the Deposit table.

I hope someone out there can help...




 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2009-01-20 09:41:06
Please see: How do I run a Open Invoices Report? and How do I run a Customer Balance Detail Report?   

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 2 
 Joined: 2009-01-20 
 Posted : 2009-01-22 01:12:06

Hi Tom,

The Customer Balance Detail Report seems very promising, but as I said before, I need the data "flattened". The report output has, for each debtor, a first row denoting the debtor and subsequent rows denoting the invoices, but an invoice row does not actually reference the debtor. Simply calling the stored procedure is therefore not an option, so I tried to run the "underlying" query that is listed in the "How do I":

SELECT CustomerRefFullName as RowData, Type, TxnDate as Date, RefNumber as Num,
ARAccountRefFullName as Account, Remaining as Amount FROM Sales NOSYNC
where IsPaid = 0 or Type = 'CreditMemo' Order by CustomerRefFullName, TxnDate, RefNumber

Unfortunately, the Sales table does not seem to exist:

It is the UK version, by the way.

Can you point me in the right direction? TIA!




 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2009-01-22 08:39:16
The Sales table is avaliable in the UK versions of QuickBooks 2008 and 2009 onwards. 

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