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Forum : Customer insert listid doesn't follow qb listid conventionSearch Forum

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 Customer insert listid doesn't follow qb listid convention 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 76 
 Joined: 2006-06-03 
 Posted : 2007-02-21 13:23:07

I have noticed that the listid created by qodbc does not always follow the listid naming convention if one even exists.

The majority of listId look like this: 710000-1197759579,890000-1197754568, etc...

I have noticed and some customers have listid that follow a different pattern, for example:  6E0001-1197764528, AE0001-1197766754 , etc.

There is a trailing one that replace the 6th character in the QB listid. I have not figured out how to reproduce this listid.  Do you know how I can reproduce the listId with a trailing one in the 6th character?

The reason why I ask is that I need to do a IIF export of the customer table and in the IIF output the LIstId is split up into two parts. The first part is the hexadecimal value of the first 6 characters of the listid, followed by the decimal value of the remaining characters in the listId. The problem is that the IIF hexadecimal portion of the listid doesn't  show the trailing one.

for example:

710000-1197759579 is represented as : 113 1197759579 ( 71 hex converts to 113 decimal)

6E0001-1197764528 is represented as : 110 1197764528 (6E hex converts to 110 decimal but how is the trailing one accounted for?)



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-02-21 14:47:49

ListIDs are generated by QuickBooks, not QODBC, so we don't have any control over them. I looked at one of my ListIDs and:-

A30001-1197738874 translated to: 163 1197738874

in the IIF file, so it appears that the 1 (one) is ignored. Even short ListIDs like: 50000-933272656 translated to 5 933272656


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