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Forum : Reprint ChecksSearch Forum

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 Reprint Checks 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 6 
 Joined: 2006-06-16 
 Posted : 2008-05-14 04:13:44


I was asked to get all checks to be printed out. I have worked with QODBC in the past, and i have extensive sql & ms access knowledge.

There may be two options, either to reprint checks somehow or delete them. I have read that there is a way to sendtoprint checks. i don't know how to this. also, if i set it to 0, would the qb interface be able to print checks?

the other way would be to delete checks. i would love some guidance on this if this is the only way. basically, i would like to know if i delete checks would it trigger the bills as unpaid so that the qb user can now go to "pay all bills" and then reprint checks. i think that there are a few reasons to avoid this, first the date and the number on the check will not be identical to the origional. second, it probably requries more work. please advise only if option 1 will not work.

i am using qb 2006. i also have qb 2007, i am willing to make the switch (upgrade) if neccessary.




 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-05-14 07:19:32
If you are paying bills each day and printing them in a daily batch, then you can try looking at:

SELECT RefNumber, Amount, TxnDate, Memo, PayeeEntityRefFullName FROM BillPaymentCheck
where BankAccountRefFullname='Checking' and IsToBePrinted is NULL and TxnDate={fn CURDATE()}

or if they have already been printed:

SELECT RefNumber, Amount, TxnDate, Memo, PayeeEntityRefFullName FROM BillPaymentCheck
where BankAccountRefFullname='Checking' and TxnDate={fn CURDATE()}

or your just want to list all checks do:

SELECT RefNumber, Amount, TxnDate, Memo, PayeeEntityRefFullName FROM BillPaymentCheck
where BankAccountRefFullname='Checking'

or if you want to simply get QuickBooks to reprint them see: Check IsToBePrinted update query 


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