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Forum : Error: 3200 - The provided edit sequence "1137434359" is out-of-date.Search Forum

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 Error: 3200 - The provided edit sequence "1137434359" is out-of-date. 
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 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-02-28 08:32:23

When I do:

update purchaseorderline set vendormsg='download'  where refnumber='1005'

I receive the Error: 3200 - The provided edit sequence "1137434359" is out-of-date.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-02-28 08:33:31

When doing updates to tranasaction tables a WHERE clause something like:

WHERE TxnID = '2A97-1071506491' AND PurchaseOrderLineTxnLineID = '2A99-1071506491'

is normally used to correctly identifly the transaction line. The TxnID allows for indexed jumpins (speed) and the TxnLineID allows you to update one line at a time in a loop getting the new EditSequence number each time.

Internally QODBC updates one line at a time but the edit sequence is listed in the header and gets updated with each update. This error normally indicates a bug in QODBC that needs to be reported to us.


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 26 
 Joined: 2006-04-02 
 Posted : 2008-12-23 05:58:52

We are getting an error when doing an "update" because we need to change the class on selected transactions.  Everything seems to "update"

Here is a sample of my update:

"Update CreditCardCreditExpenseLine set ExpenseLineClassRefFullName = '" & strclass & "' where TxnID = '" & strID & "'"

Because I am updating the "detail" lines, and not the header, what can I do to fix this problem - it gives me a message box for every transaction I am reading and updating.  Thanks for your suggestions.



Victor Nahigian
617-965-4615 x110 
 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
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 Posted : 2008-12-23 10:22:15

Try doing the update at the line by line level:

Update CreditCardCreditExpenseLine set ExpenseLineClassRefFullName = '" & strclass & "'
where TxnID = '" & strID & "' and ExpenseLineTxnLineID = '" & strLineID & "'


  Dennis Stover 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 7 
 Joined: 2008-08-16 
 Posted : 2009-02-20 05:58:42

I use the following statement: (actual data has been replaced with xxx so to protect the customer id)

Update Customer SET CompanyName = 'xxx',BillAddressAddr1 = 'xxx',BillAddressAddr2 = 'xxx',BillAddressAddr3 = '',BillAddressAddr4 = '',BillAddressCity = 'xxx',BillAddressState = 'xx',BillAddressPostalCode = 'xxxxx',BillAddressCountry = '',ShipAddressAddr1 = 'xxx',ShipAddressAddr2 = 'xxx',ShipAddressAddr3 = '',ShipAddressAddr4 = '',ShipAddressCity = 'xxx',ShipAddressState = 'xx',ShipAddressPostalCode = 'xxxxx',ShipAddressCountry = '',Phone = '',Fax = '',TermsRefFullName = 'Credit Card',Contact = 'xxx',Email = 'xxx'  WHERE Listid = '80001D6A-1235061382'

 And get the following error:



 [QODBC] Error: 3200 - The provided edit sequence "1235061382" is out-of-date.

My routine has been working just fine for about a year now.  This error just started today.

The only info I can find on the forum is:

"Internally QODBC updates one line at a time but the edit sequence is listed in the header and gets updated with each update. This error normally indicates a bug in QODBC that needs to be reported to us."

Please consider this bug reported.  Has it been fixed in the V9 drivers?


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2009-02-20 10:09:48

I would be more inclined to do:

SELECT * from Customer WHERE Listid = '80001D6A-1235061382'



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