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Forum : [QODBC] Installation incomplete on required module XERCES-COM.DLLSearch Forum

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 [QODBC] Installation incomplete on required module XERCES-COM.DLL 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2006-05-13 
 Posted : 2006-07-06 01:34:09
I was trying to run a loop in my code in insert 8000 sales receipts.  I would open a connection, start the inserts, and watch to make sure the connection didn't die or close, and if it did I open a new one and continue.  I noticed a reoccuring problem, however, that I am not sure what is causing it.  It seems that every I would run my routine it would loose the connection after 1949 inserts, then it would throw the following error.

[QODBC] Installation incomplete on required module XERCES-COM.DLL

I ran the same routine 5 times, each one with different sales receipt information, and each one did the same thing, stopped after doing the 1949th insert and threw the error above.

Is there some sort of limitation to number of transaction sql transactions per connection, is 1949 a hard limit, and what does that error mean.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-07-06 11:52:45
Try doing 1500 inserts and closing the connection, allow a 5 minutes delay, then reconnect and do the next 1500 inserts. This should allow the resources to be released on the computer between posting sets. 

  Glade Warner 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 9 
 Joined: 2006-07-08 
 Posted : 2007-02-20 23:55:20
I get the same error "[QODBC] Installation incomplete on required module XERCES-COM.DLL" periodically.  I have not bothered to test to see the pattern or frequency.

This seems like a core issue in QODBC or with one of the modules it is built upon.  Can the real problem be fixed?  Issuing a fraction of the queries with a five minute wait before sending another fraction is not a good fix for me.

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-02-21 08:32:44

The error is simply saying that QuickBooks is being choked by what QODBC is requesting. You need to take into account that we are sending XML requests to QuickBooks, and not reading or writing to the company file directly. So depending on the system resources, it's easy to overrun the XML parser.

There is batch mode that can be used to handle batches of transactions if there are lots of updates or inserts to process. See: Are there any special stored procedures that can assist me in programming? 


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