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Forum : How do I insert data into ItemNonInventory?Search Forum

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 How do I insert data into ItemNonInventory? 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 3 
 Joined: 2006-06-01 
 Posted : 2006-08-17 03:05:48

I'm trying to add a Non-Inventory Item with the 'This item is used in assemblies or is purchased for a specific customer:job' field checked.  I can't find that field in the Reference Table for QODBC.  Is this available?


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-08-17 11:42:52

Actually there's not a column for 'This item is used in assemblies or is purchased for a specific customer:job'. It's actually controlled by the columns used in the INSERT statement. For example, when I execute:

INSERT INTO ItemNonInventory
("Name", "IsActive", "SalesTaxCodeRefListID", "SalesAndPurchaseSalesDesc",
"SalesAndPurchaseSalesPrice","SalesAndPurchaseIncomeAccountRefListID", "SalesAndPurchasePurchaseDesc",
"SalesAndPurchasePurchaseCost", "SalesAndPurchaseExpenseAccountRefListID", "SalesAndPurchasePrefVendorRefListID")
('Support Ticket', TRUE, '10000-999022286', 'Callback VoIP Charge',
33.00, '1D0000-933270542', 'CallBack VoIP', 
33.00, '4D0000-933270542', '140000-933272657')

I get the result you are looking for:



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-08-17 12:21:03

To create a standard Non Inventory Part you can use a more simplified INSERT statement like this:

INSERT INTO ItemNonInventory
("Name", "IsActive", "SalesORPurchaseDesc",
"SalesTaxCodeRefListID", "SalesOrPurchasePrice", "SalesOrPurchaseAccountRefListID")
('QODBC NonInventory Test', TRUE, 'Test Insert of Non Inventory Part',
'20000-999022286', 100.00, '190000-933270541')

Which looks like this in QuickBooks 2006 instead:

But before you add any new Non-Inventory part, you should check the ITEM table first to see if the new Non-Inventory part Name is not already used in QuickBooks. The ITEM table is a combined list of all Item tables in QuickBooks: ItemInventory, ItemNonInventory, ItemOtherCharge, ItemInventoryAssembly, ItemService, ItemFixedAsset, and ItemGroup; with minimum common fields.

When inserting a new ItemNonInventory item the Name can't already be, for example, a ItemInventory, ItemNonInventory, ItemOtherCharge, ItemInventoryAssembly, ItemService, ItemFixedAsset, or ItemGroup FullName already. It must be a unquie new ITEM FullName!

To see the item fullnames, you can run the following query in VB Demo:

SELECT ListID, FullName, Description, Type FROM Item

In my case, my Australian QuickBooks 2004 sample file returned the following items:

And like ITEM there's a ENTITY table that's the combined list of all entity tables in QuickBooks: Customers, Employees, Othernames, and Vendors; with minimum common fields.

So when inserting a new Customer name the FullName can't be, for example, a Customer, Employee, Othername, or Vendor already. It must be a unquie new ENTITY FullName in QuickBooks!


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