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Forum : Creating a multiple line invoice using MS AccessSearch Forum

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 Creating a multiple line invoice using MS Access 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 20 
 Joined: 2006-11-09 
 Posted : 2007-08-01 08:50:34

I am trying to create a multiple line invoice by using MS Access and an append query (into the invoiceline table).  When I append my data the results in QB is 5 invoices for one customer with the same refnumber.  How can I get all 5 lines into one invoice easily.  I prefer not to use the method where you would create the first line in one invoice first, then get the id number from that and insert additional lines later.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-08-01 09:27:12

You will need to execute the inserts within the one sub procedure. Here's an example:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
     Dim insertStr As String

     insertStr = "INSERT INTO InvoiceLine (" & _
                 "CustomerRefListID, CustomerRefFullName, " & _
                 "RefNumber, InvoiceLineItemRefListID, " & _
                 "InvoiceLineDesc, InvoiceLineRate, InvoiceLineAmount, " & _
                 "InvoiceLineQuantity, InvoiceLineTaxCodeRefListID, FQSaveToCache" & _
                 ") VALUES (" & _
                 FormatStr(CustomerID) & "," & FormatStr(CustomerName) & "," & _
                 FormatStr(RefNumber) & "," & FormatStr(ItemListID) & "," & _
                 FormatStr("Desc") & "," & "1.0000," & "120.00," & "1.00," & _
                 FormatStr(GSTString) & ",1" & _

     Catch Ex As Exception
     End Try

     insertStr = "INSERT INTO Invoice (" & _
                 "CustomerRefListID, CustomerRefFullName, RefNumber, BillAddressAddr1, " & _
                 "BillAddressAddr2, Memo" & _
                 ") VALUES (" & _
                 FormatStr(CustomerID) & "," & FormatStr(CustomerName) & "," & FormatStr(RefNumber) & "," & _
                 FormatStr("Bill1") & "," & FormatStr("Bill2") & "," & FormatStr("Memo") & _
     Catch Ex As Exception
     End Try

End Sub

Private Function FormatStr(ByVal aStr As String) As String
   Return "'" & aStr.Replace("'", "''") & "'"
End Function


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 20 
 Joined: 2006-11-09 
 Posted : 2007-08-02 02:16:12

2 questions about this sub procedure method:  Can I use it with MS Access, and can I use it with more than one multiple invoice at a time?  (I am currently  pulling data out of one system and want to insert multiple invoices each day into the back end of QB.  There could be from 10 to 30 invoices entered with multiple lines each day.)

not being well versed in SQL, the code above does not mean much to me.  I was hoping there would be some field in the invoiceline table that could be manipulated with my append query in MS Access, is this not the case?


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-08-02 08:15:58
If you perfer to Append Queries you would need to use the method where you would create the first line in one invoice first, then get the TNXID from that and insert additional lines later. 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 24 
 Joined: 2007-04-03 
 Posted : 2007-10-14 08:02:59

About your function:

Private Function FormatStr(ByVal aStr As String) As String
   Return "'" & aStr.Replace("'", "''") & "'"
End Function

I think it should be like this in access in order to work properly

Private Function FormatStr(ByVal aStr As String) As String
   FormatStr="'" & Replace(aStr,"'", "''") & "'"
End Function

I have me sql preconfigured with the outer apostrophes so I am thinking i only need:

Private Function FormatStr(ByVal aStr As String) As String
   FormatStr=Replace(aStr,"'", "''")

End Function

(As in a product like Cilantro-Bunched (30's)

I had went thru QB and eliminate naming using apostrophies,  but I realize I cannot insure that users will not use them so perhaps I should implement this?  If so do I have it right in the 3rd function example?



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-10-14 21:42:35
All the function is trying to really do is to surround the variable in single quotes, so Tom becomes 'Tom' 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 29 
 Joined: 2007-05-15 
 Posted : 2007-11-15 04:36:27
Function ToSQL(Value, sType)
on error resume next
Dim Param : Param = Value
 if Param = "" then
  ToSQL = "Null"
  if lcase(sType) = "number" then
   ToSQL = replace(cstr(Param), ",", "")
  elseif lcase(sType) = "text" then
   ToSQL = "'" & Replace(Param, "'", "''") & "'"
  elseif lcase(sType) = "date" then
   ToSQL = "#" & Param & "#"
  end if
 end if
end function 

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