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Forum : More Cross Updates Needed In Optimized DataSearch Forum

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 More Cross Updates Needed In Optimized Data 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 1 
 Joined: 2006-06-14 
 Posted : 2006-06-14 04:34:09

You`ve already fixed several cross updates in the Optimizer (E.G. updating Customer Balance ).   Here are some new ones needed: 

1) Senario:  Customer deposit two weeks ago (ReceivePayment added).  Invoice today and apply that old payment.  Needed:  Add this ReceivePaymentLine to Optimizer.

2) Senario:  Customer deposit two weeks ago (ReceivePayment added).  Invoiced one week ago.  Payment finally applied today.  Needed:  Add this ReceivePaymentLine to Optimizer and mark Invoice as Paid in Optimizer (If the Pmt was full amt).

3) Various situations where Invoices should be marked as Paid and situations where ReceivePaymentLine(s) should be added including ReceivePayments applied to multiple Invoices


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-06-14 08:31:17

Actually we have already done this and in QODBC v6.00.00.164 we also changed ReceivePayment and ReceivePaymentLine to never use iterators to avoid the Intuit qbXML SDK bug. However, my testing this shows that we are not getting the correct number of ReceivePaymentLines which makes most payments with more than one payment line not correct when we cross check payments against invoices.

This should be fixed in QODBC v6.00.00.172 or later.


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