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Forum : How do I create Estimates?Search Forum

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 How do I create Estimates? 
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 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-02-26 16:45:54


INSERT INTO "EstimateLine" ("EstimateLineItemRefListID", "EstimateLineDesc",
"EstimateLineRate", "EstimateLineAmount", "EstimateLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID",
"FQSaveToCache") VALUES ('250000-933272656', 'Building permit 1',
1.00000, 1.00, '20000-999022286', 1)

INSERT INTO "EstimateLine" ("EstimateLineItemRefListID", "EstimateLineDesc",
"EstimateLineRate", "EstimateLineAmount", "EstimateLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID",
"FQSaveToCache") VALUES ('250000-933272656', 'Building permit 2',
2.00000, 2.00, '20000-999022286', 1)

INSERT INTO "EstimateLine" ("EstimateLineItemRefListID", "EstimateLineDesc",
"EstimateLineRate", "EstimateLineAmount", "EstimateLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID",
"FQSaveToCache") VALUES ('250000-933272656', 'Building permit 3',
3.00000, 3.00, '20000-999022286', 1)

INSERT INTO "Estimate" ("CustomerRefListID", "TxnDate", "RefNumber",
"BillAddressAddr1", "BillAddressAddr2", "BillAddressCity", "BillAddressState",
"BillAddressPostalCode", "BillAddressCountry", "TermsRefListID", "DueDate",
"ItemSalesTaxRefListID", "Memo", "CustomerSalesTaxCodeRefListID") VALUES
('470001-1071525403', {d'2002-10-01'}, '1', 'Brad Lamb', '1921 Appleseed Lane',
'Bayshore', 'CA', '94326', 'USA', '10000-933272658', {d'2002-10-31'},
'2E0000-933272656', 'Memo Test', '10000-999022286')

The resulting Esitmate in QuickBooks 2006 Premier:


This creates one Estimate with three lines. Note the FQSaveToCache field, set to True except on the last line.

INSERT INTO "EstimateLine" ("CustomerRefListID", "RefNumber", "EstimateLineItemRefListID", "EstimateLineDesc", "EstimateLineRate", "EstimateLineAmount", "EstimateLineTaxCodeRefListID", "FQSaveToCache") VALUES ('470001-1071525403', '1', '250000-933272656', 'Building permit 1', 1.00000, 1.00, '20000-999022286', 1)

INSERT INTO "EstimateLine" ("CustomerRefListID", "RefNumber", "EstimateLineItemRefListID", "EstimateLineDesc", "EstimateLineRate", "EstimateLineAmount", "EstimateLineTaxCodeRefListID", "FQSaveToCache") VALUES ('470001-1071525403', '1', '250000-933272656', 'Building permit 2', 2.00000, 2.00, '20000-999022286', 1)

INSERT INTO "EstimateLine" ("CustomerRefListID", "RefNumber", "EstimateLineItemRefListID", "EstimateLineDesc", "EstimateLineRate", "EstimateLineAmount", "EstimateLineTaxCodeRefListID", "FQSaveToCache") VALUES ('470001-1071525403', '1', '250000-933272656', 'Building permit 3', 3.00000, 3.00, '20000-999022286', 0)

This creates three Estimates with one line each. Note the FQSaveToCache field is not specified (or can be set to false)

INSERT INTO "EstimateLine" ("CustomerRefListID", "RefNumber", "EstimateLineItemRefListID", "EstimateLineDesc", "EstimateLineRate", "EstimateLineAmount", "EstimateLineTaxCodeRefListID") VALUES ('470001-1071525403', '1', '250000-933272656', 'Building permit 1', 1.00000, 1.00, '20000-999022286')

INSERT INTO "EstimateLine" ("CustomerRefListID", "RefNumber", "EstimateLineItemRefListID", "EstimateLineDesc", "EstimateLineRate", "EstimateLineAmount", "EstimateLineTaxCodeRefListID") VALUES ('470001-1071525403', '1', '250000-933272656', 'Building permit 2', 2.00000, 2.00, '20000-999022286')

INSERT INTO "EstimateLine" ("CustomerRefListID", "RefNumber", "EstimateLineItemRefListID", "EstimateLineDesc", "EstimateLineRate", "EstimateLineAmount", "EstimateLineTaxCodeRefListID") VALUES ('470001-1071525403', '1', '250000-933272656', 'Building permit 3', 3.00000, 3.00, '20000-999022286')

This creates one Estimate with three lines. Note the FQSaveToCache field, set to True. Saving the Estimate saves the lines with it.

INSERT INTO "EstimateLine" ("EstimateLineItemRefListID", "EstimateLineDesc", "EstimateLineRate", "EstimateLineAmount", "EstimateLineTaxCodeRefListID", "FQSaveToCache") VALUES ('250000-933272656', 'Building permit 1', 1.00000, 1.00, '20000-999022286', 1)

INSERT INTO "EstimateLine" ("EstimateLineItemRefListID", "EstimateLineDesc", "EstimateLineRate", "EstimateLineAmount", "EstimateLineTaxCodeRefListID", "FQSaveToCache") VALUES ('250000-933272656', 'Building permit 2', 2.00000, 2.00, '20000-999022286', 1)

INSERT INTO "EstimateLine" ("EstimateLineItemRefListID", "EstimateLineDesc", "EstimateLineRate", "EstimateLineAmount", "EstimateLineTaxCodeRefListID", "FQSaveToCache") VALUES ('250000-933272656', 'Building permit 3', 3.00000, 3.00, '20000-999022286', 1)

INSERT INTO "Estimate" ("CustomerRefListID", "TxnDate", "RefNumber", "BillAddressAddr1", "BillAddressAddr2", "BillAddressCity", "BillAddressCounty", "BillAddressPostalCode", "BillAddressCountry", "TermsRefListID", "DueDate", "ItemSalesTaxRefListID", "Memo", "CustomerTaxCodeRefListID") VALUES ('470001-1071525403', {d'2002-10-01'}, '1', 'Brad Lamb', '1921 Appleseed Lane', 'Bayshore', 'CA', '94326', 'USA', '10000-933272658', {d'2002-10-31'}, '2E0000-933272656', 'Memo Test', '10000-999022286')


  Piyush Varma 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 66 
 Joined: 2006-04-06 
 Posted : 2006-05-26 03:27:10
Under which circumstances should I use EstimateLine over Estimate table to create a new estimate please? - Thanks. Piyush Varma 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-05-26 08:25:29

For multi-line Estimates, some may find it easier to not include the header information with each line item, but rather to have seperate smaller commands for each of the Estimate Lines and a final big INSERT for the Estimate header with all the Billing address details if required. The last example above shows a billing address and memo being added to the Estimate via the Estimate header table.


  Piyush Varma 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 66 
 Joined: 2006-04-06 
 Posted : 2006-05-26 10:11:20
I am using Quick Books Premier 2006 version. Where do I find the 'Ship To Address' column names for an Estimate please? Thank you. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-05-26 10:30:53
Sorry, a "Ship To Address" is only available in Sales Orders and Invoices. 

  Julie Alley 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 18 
 Joined: 2006-09-27 
 Posted : 2006-11-17 03:11:04
I have what is perhaps a silly question.

How do I come up with what EstimateLineItemRefListID to use for a new estimate?  It appears this and the EstimateLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID have to be known items before creating a new estimate.

Sorry for the novice question.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-11-17 08:21:39

All the values used are found in the tables of their name.

For Example:
EstimateLineItemRefListID is '250000-933272656'  and found like this:

Select ListId, FullName from Item where FullName like 'P%'

EstimateLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID is '20000-999022286' and found like this:

Select ListId, Name from SalesTaxCode where Name like 'N%'

CustomerRefListID is '470001-1071525403' and found like this:

Select ListId, FullName from Customer where FullName like 'Lamb%'

ItemSalesTaxRefListID is '2E0000-933272656' and found like this:

Select ListId, Name from ItemSalesTax where Name like 'San%'

CustomerSalesTaxCodeRefListID is '10000-999022286' and found like this:

Select ListId, Name from SalesTaxCode where Name like 'T%'


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