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Forum : COST OF SALES TABLE - COGSSearch Forum

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  mahmoud al jundi 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 5 
 Joined: 2006-10-11 
 Posted : 2006-10-11 16:58:21

Dear All

QuickBooks Ver. :   Enterprise Solutions 5.0

I am trying to find cost of sales for each line item, I have checked all the tables with no use !!! it has to be there because when I check on cost of goods sold account the report gave me cost per each line item.

Please Help






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 Posted : 2006-10-12 10:21:15
See: How can I see the cost of a stock item and compare it to what I invoiced it for?  

  mahmoud al jundi 
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 Posted : 2006-10-14 15:16:03

Dear All

I have checked this post before but I think it is not the correct reply, becuase there is an account called "cost of sales", this account saves  invoice cost when it is issued based on the Avarege Cost.

 I may have multiple purchase costs for the same item, so purchase cost not the cost of sales. As far you know avarege cost always changing based on receipts , so you can't consider current avarege cost is the cost of sales for previous invoices. I am certain there is a table has the cost of sales for each line item invoiced becuase cost of sales account report has that information.







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 Posted : 2006-10-14 19:45:51
If items are purchased for customer jobs then you can match the purchase to the invoice. If inventory is purchased and sold, it's hard to say which item has which cost? That's why QuickBooks uses COGS. 

  mahmoud al jundi 
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 Posted : 2006-10-15 15:18:19

Below you can find COGS Account sample report, you can see  ITEM NO, DESCRIPTION and cost for the sold items, that data is there how can I find it Thru QODBC,which table has that info.?

Type Date Num Name Item Item Description Split Amount

Invoice 20/09/2006 9290 AL SHOLA TRANSPORT CO.LLC 8M5249 SEAL-O-RING Accounts Receivable 0.95
Invoice 20/09/2006 9290 AL SHOLA TRANSPORT CO.LLC 4N7253 GASKET Accounts Receivable 1.41





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 Posted : 2006-10-16 09:02:28
Sorry, I don't have a report by that name in my copy of QuickBooks. Please advise what standard report is this custom report based on? 

  mahmoud al jundi 
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 Posted : 2006-10-16 15:33:18

It is a standard quick report  within chart of accounts for the cost  of sales account. 


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 Posted : 2006-10-17 11:23:40

What I was saying was correct, but I was showing the COGS for each item, not the GOGS for the total number of items for each Invoice line. For example, this Account QuickReport:

If I run this query using the Quantity instead:

SELECT "InvoiceLine"."TxnDate" as Date, "InvoiceLine"."RefNumber" as Num, "Customer"."FullName" as Name, 
"InvoiceLine"."InvoiceLineDesc" as Memo, "InvoiceLine"."InvoiceLineQuantity" as Qty,
"InvoiceLine"."InvoiceLineItemRefFullName" as Item,
"InvoiceLine"."InvoiceLineRate" as Rate, "ItemInventory"."PurchaseCost" as Cost,
"ItemInventory"."AverageCost" as "Average Cost",
("InvoiceLine"."InvoiceLineQuantity" * "ItemInventory"."AverageCost") as Amount
FROM   "Customer" "Customer","InvoiceLine" "InvoiceLine", "ItemInventory" "ItemInventory"
WHERE  ("InvoiceLine"."CustomerRefListID"="Customer"."ListID")
AND  ("InvoiceLine"."InvoiceLineItemRefListID" = "ItemInventory"."ListID")
ORDER BY "InvoiceLine"."TxnDate"

I get a better representation of what my true COGS really is. But to get the GOGS for all invoices seen in your Account QuickReport you can run this report directly by using this QODBC stored procedure instead:

sp_report TxnDetailByAccount show Text, TxnType, Date, RefNumber as Num, Name, Memo, Debit as Amount
parameters AccountFilterType = 'CostOfSales', TxnFilterTypes = 'Invoice', DateMacro = 'All'


  mahmoud al jundi 
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 Posted : 2006-10-18 19:39:50

In the first example you used current AVE. COST and this doesn't represnt exactly the COGS but the procedure given in the second exmaple shows  the correct COGS values , my question is where in the second example the COGS saved  ? which table ? I need to have a precise results .





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 Posted : 2006-10-18 21:12:09
Only the Purchase Cost and Average Cost is stored in the ItemInventory table. In the second example I'm calling the QuickBooks reporting engine directly via sp_report TxnDetailByAccount using the AccountFilterType = 'CostOfSales' to get the same results as seen in the QuickReport. QODBC splits QuickBooks data into virtual tables and reports. Between the two areas, we can normally find what we need. 

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 Posted : 2007-09-29 03:35:50
I am also trying to find where the cost of good sold for an invoice line detail item is stored.  

Report Concepts, Inc.
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