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Forum : PriceLevelPerItem appendSearch Forum

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 PriceLevelPerItem append 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 10 
 Joined: 2007-09-29 
 Posted : 2007-09-29 03:28:37

I created a linked table to all of QuickBooks tables in access 2007. When I try to append a new pricelevelperitem list to QuickBooks table using access 2007 using append data from a excel spreadsheet after the first record I get the error ( pricelevelper item failed qodbc error : 3100 the name oem 100 test2 of the list element is already in use (#10053)) Is this something that can't be done using this simple method? Will the new 2008 driver do it. I am not very familiar with access but I do have database experience in 4D a database that started in the MAC. I am using your trail version but I thought it could transfer up to 20 records. What do I need to do this rather simple thing.




 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-09-30 10:26:40
The error message is simply saying that the name "oem 100 test2" already exists. You can't have two items with the same name. See: PriceLevelPerItem Updates & Inserts for further information. 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 10 
 Joined: 2007-09-29 
 Posted : 2007-10-02 06:17:06

Hi Tom,

The "oem 100 tests" is the Name not the item. 3100 the name oem 100 test2 of the list element is already in use. I guess from looking at the link you gave me you have to use some other way besides appending  to a linked table. (That would be to easy). Can I use the VBA editor in Access somehow to do it? I I, am not familiar at all with it. But it seems to look like Pascal in the 4D data base we use now. Could you give me a detailed example of how to do it with access and the VBA editor. I think I would have to make a link to the pricelevelperitem add the table with the new items and price and then open VBA write the Insert code. But where do you write the code? In a Module? and how do you run it? Any detailed help in doing it with Access would be greatly appreciated.



 Group: Members 
 Posts: 10 
 Joined: 2007-09-29 
 Posted : 2007-10-02 08:20:32

After looking some more at the link you gave me I noticed that I wasn't using a  List ID number in my excel spread sheet. So I added a new list name in quick books added one custom price and went back to access and got the new number. Went to excel and added the new column with the id list number to 4 records and access added them. To easy,thanks for all your help.



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