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Forum : Where can I find the E-mail Sent Date?Search Forum

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 Where can I find the E-mail Sent Date? 
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  Rajib Bahar 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 8 
 Joined: 2008-01-08 
 Posted : 2008-03-01 04:07:37
Any thoughts where we can capture the [Sent Date] from? Does it reside on the table named Transaction? I think the TimeModified field seems to point to it. Is that correct? What about the the case when the Sent Date is nothing? The TimeModified field still shows some data. Any thoughts on this?


Rajib Bahar 
 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-03-01 08:02:33
Sorry the E-mail Sent Date is not currently exposed in Intuit's qbXML SDK for us to retrieve it for you. Payments are linked to the InvoiceLinkedTxn and ReceivePaymentLine tables. 

  Rajib Bahar 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 8 
 Joined: 2008-01-08 
 Posted : 2008-03-07 07:10:23
This brings up 2 questions.

1. Any idea if the next release will allow us to retrieve this field?
2. When is the next release coming out? 

Rajib Bahar 
 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-03-07 07:53:01
You need to direct this question to Intuit. The Intuit qbXML SDK is revised each year with each new release of QuickBooks, for example see: QuickBooks SDK 7.0 for U.S. editions of QuickBooks 2008  

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