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Forum : Simple Question from Dumb businessmanSearch Forum

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 Simple Question from Dumb businessman 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 5 
 Joined: 2008-11-01 
 Posted : 2008-11-01 02:07:39

I'm trying to get to understand the basics of using QODBC.  Forgive me if this question is a little too simple but I can't seem to grasp the answer from the documentation.

I currently use QB UK 2006 and want to upgrade to 2008.  QB2008 doesn't do IIF transaction import which I rely on (several hundred transactions a day).  

I can write simple VBA stuff (which I used to create the IIF files for import).  I understand SQL well enough.

Ok, here's the question.

If I use ODBC to 'SELECT * FROM BILL WHERE <Bill reference> = 'xyz' and then use the data returned in an INSERT will that create me a duplicate bill and (this is the crunch) update accounts payable, VAT Control, etc as if I had entered it manually?  Or do I have to do something else to achieve this?

I get that I can insert table data with QODBC but I am unsure if all the double entry stuff and particularly VAT is handled correctly just by 'INSERT'ing a bill.






 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-11-03 09:13:29

QODBC simply converts a SQL Statement into a qbXML request that's sent to QuickBooks which processes everything just like you would do it on the screen. So all the revelant entries for a Bill or a Invoice are done automatically by QuickBooks.

See: AmountIncludesVAT for further info.



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