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Forum : Table Relations for TimeByName and TimeTrackingSearch Forum

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 Table Relations for TimeByName and TimeTracking 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 1 
 Joined: 2007-01-12 
 Posted : 2007-01-12 08:48:59
The SP_REPORTS is not pulling the data needed for a report, is there documentation some where on the relationships of the "canned" reports in QuickBooks 2005?
The TimeByName report is the report that we currently are using in QuickBooks, and the SP_REPORTS does not pull the additional fields needed.
I am looking to tie the time tracking in with the invoicing to show the charge per hour.



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-01-12 12:15:40

I'm going to start with showing what TimeByName does. In QuickBooks when I run the Time By Name report I see this:

When I use this TimeByName stored procedure in QODBC I see the same result:

sp_report TimeByName show Text, Label, DurationHours_1
parameters EntityFilterFullNames = 'Dan T. Miller',
DateFrom = {d'2007-10-01'}, DateTo={d'2007-12-15'}

If I expand on Cook, Brian:Kitchen in QuickBooks (by double clicking on Cook, Brian:Kitchen in the Time By Name report) I see this:

If I query the TimeTracking table like this for Cook, Brian:Kitchen , I see the same records using QODBC:

SELECT TxnDate as Date,  ItemServiceRefFullName as Item,
IsBilled as "Billing Status", (DurationMinutes /60.00) as Hours
FROM TimeTracking
where EntityRefFullName = 'Dan T. Miller'
and CustomerRefFullName = 'Cook, Brian:Kitchen'
and TxnDate >= {d'2007-10-01'} and TxnDate <= {d'2007-12-15'}

In QuickBooks when I go to Invoice the 'Cook, Brian:Kitchen' job, I find the two unbilled items shown as:

By linking in the ItemService table I can find the rate and the total amount to be billed too!

SELECT TimeTracking.TxnDate as Date,  TimeTracking.ItemServiceRefFullName as Item,
TimeTracking.IsBilled as "Billing Status", (TimeTracking.DurationMinutes /60.00) as Hours,
ItemService.SalesOrPurchasePrice as Rate, (TimeTracking.DurationMinutes /60.00 * ItemService.SalesOrPurchasePrice) as ToBeBilled
FROM TimeTracking, ItemService
where TimeTracking.ItemServiceRefFullName=ItemService.FullName
and TimeTracking.EntityRefFullName = 'Dan T. Miller'
and TimeTracking.CustomerRefFullName = 'Cook, Brian:Kitchen'
and TimeTracking.TxnDate >= {d'2007-10-01'} and TimeTracking.TxnDate <= {d'2007-12-15'}

As far as finding the Billed Timesheets, there's no link in the InvoiceLine or InvoiceLinkedTxn tables to TimeTracking and in my case the timesheets have been consolidated. But I did find the (3 x 8 hours) =24 hours of Framing and the (6 x 8 hours) = 48 hours of Installation by doing:

SELECT TxnDate as Date, CustomerRefFullName as Name, RefNumber as Ref,
InvoiceLineItemRefFullName as Service, InvoiceLineQuantity as Qty,
InvoiceLineRate as Rate, InvoiceLineAmount as Amount
FROM InvoiceLine unoptimized Where CustomerRefFullName='Cook, Brian:Kitchen'
and (InvoiceLineItemRefFullName='Framing'or  InvoiceLineItemRefFullName='Installation')
and InvoiceLineQuantity > 8 and TxnDate >= {d'2007-10-01'}


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2009-01-03 08:31:45

For normal Salary Employees, try this instead:

Select timetracking.txndate, timetracking.entityreflistid, timetracking.durationminutes,
timetracking.payrollitemwagereffullname, timetracking.payrollitemwagereflistid,
EmployeeEarning.PayrollInfoEarningsRate, timetracking.notes
from timetracking, EmployeeEarning
where timetracking.entityreflistid = EmployeeEarning.ListID
and timetracking.txndate >= {d '2008-12-01'} and timetracking.txndate <= {d '2008-12-31'}
and timetracking.payrollitemwagereflistid =


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