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Forum : Error Parsing complete XML return stringSearch Forum

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 Error Parsing complete XML return string 
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  Josh Gelle 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 6 
 Joined: 2006-12-07 
 Posted : 2006-12-19 04:47:07

I'm having trouble inserting a new customer.  Below is the SQL String and the XML from the log file.  This exact format has worked flawlessly for hundreds of customers but this one for some reason won't go in.

INSERT INTO Customer (Name,FirstName,LastName,BillAddressAddr1,BillAddressAddr2,BillAddressAddr3,BillAddressCity,BillAddressState,
CreditCardInfoCreditCardPostalCode) VALUES('Richman, Karen-2273526','Karen','Richman','202 Braddock St','','','Fairmont','WV','26554','US','202 Braddock St','','','Fairmont','WV','26554','US','3043668202','','20000-1039908035', '----------------',12,07,'Karen L. Richman','202 Braddock St','26554')

Error parsing complete XML return string (8)
Input XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<?qbxml version="5.0"?>
    <QBXMLMsgsRq onError = "continueOnError" responseData = "includeAll">
        <CustomerAddRq requestID = "1">
                <Name>Richman, Karen-2273526</Name>
                    <Addr1>202 Braddock St</Addr1>
                    <Addr1>202 Braddock St</Addr1>
                    <NameOnCard>Karen L. Richman</NameOnCard>
                    <CreditCardAddress>202 Braddock St</CreditCardAddress>




 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-12-19 10:56:50

Sorry, I changed the SaleTaxCodeListID to match one of theTax Codes in my version of QuickBooks and your insert worked without error for me using QODBC v7.00.00.199:

INSERT INTO Customer (Name,FirstName,LastName,BillAddressAddr1,BillAddressAddr2,BillAddressAddr3,BillAddressCity,BillAddressState,
CreditCardInfoCreditCardPostalCode) VALUES('Richman, Karen-2273526','Karen','Richman','202 Braddock St','','','Fairmont','WV','26554','US','202 Braddock St','','','Fairmont','WV','26554','US','3043668202','','20000-999022286', '----------------',12,07,'Karen L. Richman','202 Braddock St','26554')


  Josh Gelle 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 6 
 Joined: 2006-12-07 
 Posted : 2006-12-19 13:00:02


It appears this is a bigger problem than originally thought.  Now we are also seeing the error "Error Getting XML in BuildAndLoadXMLForNextRecord".  I've upgraded the QODBC version to the latest one but still the same error.



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-12-19 14:18:21

"Error Getting XML in BuildAndLoadXMLForNextRecord" indicates that you need to increase the Iterator or Chunk Size value in the QODBC Setup Screen. This determines the size of the rowsets that are retrieved from QuickBooks. Set this value higher if you're not using the USA version of QuickBooks 2006 and 2007 to cover the maximum number of records the query will return.  The maximum Iterator or Chunk size that can be set is 100000 (higher than that and it resets itself back to the default of 500).


  Josh Gelle 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 6 
 Joined: 2006-12-07 
 Posted : 2006-12-19 14:51:41

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the quick reply.  I tried different values for the Chunk Size but it still gives me the same error.  I even maxed it out just to make sure.



  Josh Gelle 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 6 
 Joined: 2006-12-07 
 Posted : 2006-12-20 08:34:11


We've identified the issue but we're a little confused as to the actual root cause.  The problem as it turns out is from the Remote QuickBooks machine running out of memory.  At least QuickBooks thinks so, the machine actually had plenty of free memory.  QuickBooks actually crashed out while I had my client checking some stuff, upon re-login everything started working again.




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