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 Sync Addon 
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  William Astarita 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 14 
 Joined: 2006-09-18 
 Posted : 2007-07-30 07:57:25
I have no idea if this is the right forum for this question so I appologize in advance if its wrong.

Do you guys have any plans or would you consider creating a addon program to do periodic sync's of the data.  I have been evaluating a competitor's package. Its a great concept, it makes an initial sync to a Access, SQL Server or MySQL server (Which is no faster or slower than QODBC mind you).  Then at periodic intervals it updates only the new / updated records.  Works flawlessly to a point but does have some issues.

1. Its table structure is FUGLY to say the least, has some definitive holes.
2. There support sucks and I don't believe has a great concept of the quickbooks data layout or table interaction.
3. Does not come free with quickbooks...

I would definately pay you guys the $300 they charge for a program like that.  QODBC would be perfect if you could retrieve data almost real time.  I understand that there is no programming trick you guys could pull off to make data retreival from a segmented, flat file like the .qbw files are but a program like this would be a huge hit if it came along with the experience and support you guys give.  I'd pay $500 easy.

Just a thought, if for any reason you are going to release something like this I'd really appreciate a heads up, I have to decide whether or not I'm paying for this program, as you can tell I'd rather pay you guys...

Thanks in advance. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-07-30 08:29:14

You actually don't need another application to load the QuickBooks data into MS SQL Server. This can be automated using MS SQL Server itself, see: Using DTS to Load QuickBooks Data into Microsoft SQL Server for more. Or can simply link the tables in MS SQL Server for real time access (see: Does QODBC work with MS SQL Server Linked Tables? or Does QODBC work with MS SQL Server 2005 Linked Tables? )

Changes to the Qty on hand by "Receive Item, Sales, etc.. "  currently will not change the date and time stamp on the TimeModified Field for the stock item in QuickBooks. This is a Intuit limitation, therefore no product in the world cannot detect a change in qty on hand. Using QODBC you can reload the optimized ItemInventory table "dirty reads" at any point of time by running:

sp_optimizefullsync ItemInventory


  William Astarita 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 14 
 Joined: 2006-09-18 
 Posted : 2007-07-30 10:31:11
I tried that, still no where near as fast as this program can update the data.

For tables like Customer or RecieveItems, I guess you could sync them by comparing List/Txn ID's and updating where the Balance / QTYonHand are not equal. 

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