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Forum : How to Gently Kill a QuerySearch Forum

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 How to Gently Kill a Query 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 41 
 Joined: 2007-02-02 
 Posted : 2008-11-09 16:13:35

When writing a lot of VB/ADO code with complex queries you have to try them with VB Demo.

If I make a single error or forget the NOSYNC keyword, it could run for a long time.

I tried the STOP QUERY in the icon but that doesn't seem to help.

If I kill it with task manager, then it leaves some open process so I can't then close Qbooks without also killing it in task manager.

Is there a way to stop a query gently?

What process do I kill to let Qbooks close properly?


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-11-10 10:07:12

QODBC without NOSYNC sends a XML Request to the Intuit qbXML SDK which calls QuickBooks which then returns a XML Document to QODBC which is then stripped and converted to data. So the STOP QUERY in the QODBC v9 System Tray Icon can only stop the query at each Iterator break at the earliest (however not all the tables support iterators).

But a missed joined query of 500 rows can take forever, so most of us just end up closing QuickBooks or killing the qbw32.exe process.


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