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Forum : Error: 732: Busy interacting with QuickBooks.Search Forum

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 Error: 732: Busy interacting with QuickBooks. 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 2 
 Joined: 2008-11-04 
 Posted : 2008-11-04 06:20:09
I have been running for years, the QODBC v7 Ibiz remote connector on the server running QB, and the QODBC server running on the citrix server running Excel.  I input time in excel - connect to the QB file on the other server.   Today - I am getting these errors below.  I have QB open in my citrix session like always (company file not open), Ibiz is running.  HELP.

[11/03/08 10:46:22 AM -] Error: 732: Busy interacting with QuickBooks.
[11/03/08 10:46:22 AM -] Client has disconnected.
[11/03/08 1:09:37 PM -] Client has connected.
[11/03/08 1:09:39 PM -] Error: 732: Busy interacting with QuickBooks.
[11/03/08 1:09:39 PM -] Client has disconnected.
[11/03/08 1:09:39 PM -] Client has connected.
[11/03/08 1:09:40 PM -] Error: External exception C06D007E
[11/03/08 1:09:41 PM -] Client has disconnected.

Would QB2009 break this as we run QB2004 thru 2009 on this server and we only use QB2006 for this QODBC work.  We installed QB2009 over the weekend.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-11-05 14:18:08
Installing QuickBooks 2009 is the most likely cause. When using QODBC only one version of QuickBooks should be installed. I would say you will most likely need to step up to QODBC v9 and RDS, see: Accessing QuickBooks data remotely via QODBC using RDS for more 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 2 
 Joined: 2008-11-04 
 Posted : 2008-11-05 14:42:52
I had a feeling that broke it and I was working fine for years.  I reinstalled QB2006 on a new Virtual server, installed the trial of IBC and it works except I cannot have it autologin anymore (I need to have QB data file open).  I have removed the integration, redone it both using the vbdemo & excel (I usually have 2 integration items in there) yet still cannot autologin.  My only step is to remove all users per that 17 step SOP.

But, if this is a 2006 issue - if I upgrade to 2009 and the QODBC v9 - is the autologin feature fixed?    Ibiz read only used to be free - is this still the case or do I need to purchase a full r/w of v9 on my Excel server and read only for the server running QB & RDS? 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-11-05 15:44:10

Ibiz read only was never free, it always required two QODBC Full Product Licenses (Client and Host side). Only the QODBC Enterprise Desktop (Read Only) Edition is FREE to USA users of QuickBooks Enterprise, but not the use of the QODBC Remote Connector.

The unattended mode bug was fixed by Intuit in the R5 update (and later) for QuickBooks 2008 USA Edition onwards. R11 (or later) for QuickBooks 2007 or 2006 USA Edition or the Canadian and UK versions of QuickBooks 2008 or any Australian version do not have the fix. 


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