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Forum : Paycheck multi table join with sum and group?Search Forum

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 Paycheck multi table join with sum and group? 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 2 
 Joined: 2008-02-22 
 Posted : 2008-02-22 01:04:38

So I jumped in feet first and got the read version of QODBC and am learning real fast it is not like running QB in SQL!   I understand why, but I need to know if my ultimate goal is even obtainable.   I have a company file that is holding 5 years of data.  I am not sure how to get the row stats of the file as if I run the VB Demo and do a select count(*) against any large tables , I never get results.  



Example would be SELECT count(*) FROM checkitemline - This return Zero.   Seems wrong since there is 40K checks in the check register, and takes 5 minutes to run the query.   Is there a row limit on table scans?



But the goal of all this lies here.   I am tasked to gather employee pay amounts grouped by paycheck period and separated into departments for the last 3 years.   Prior until right now, no classes existed, and no checks were classed when written.   I edited every employee and set their class to one of 5 classes to sort them out.  This of course does nothing to the payments written to them in the past, so I was hoping that a join like this would work.



I am not sure of all the tables required as this is just a guess but join these tables















and since all paychecks are written once a week at the same time



Group them by date in the check table



and Sum them by class



So once I figure out the SQL for this will it even be executable on a QuickBooks file that is 200mb in size?








 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-02-22 08:14:43
VB Demo only works with queries of 10,000 returned rows or less. The CheckItemLine table only provides the line item detail for a check while the CheckExpenseLine table actually provides the expense line detail for a check. It might be more useless doing:

SELECT count(*) FROM check

As far as the task ACTUALLY in hand is concerned, try something like this:

SELECT Employee.PayrollInfoClassRefFullName, sum(Transaction.Amount) as Amount 
FROM Transaction, Employee
where Transaction.EntityRefListID=Employee.ListID
and Transaction.TxnType='Paycheck'
and (Transaction.TxnDate >= {d'2007-01-01'} and Transaction.TxnDate < {d'2008-01-01'})
Group by Employee.PayrollInfoClassRefFullName



 Group: Members 
 Posts: 2 
 Joined: 2008-02-22 
 Posted : 2008-02-23 06:45:31


Thanks for helping so much.   Your SQL was very close to what I needed.    I will post the final SQL so if anyone sees this they wil have what they need.   This SQL returns a payroll date, the class, and the sum of payroll for the class that the employee is currently in for the specified date range.




sum(Transaction.Amount) as amount,


FROM Transaction, Employee

where Transaction.EntityRefListID=Employee.ListID

and Transaction.TxnType='Paycheck'

and (Transaction.TxnDate >= {d'2007-10-05'}

and Transaction.TxnDate < {d'2008-12-31'})

and transaction.amount>0

group by Employee.PayrollInfoClassRefFullName,Transaction.TxnDate

order by Employee.PayrollInfoClassRefFullName,Transaction.TxnDate



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