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Forum : Inserting Dates!!Search Forum

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 Inserting Dates!! 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 1 
 Joined: 2006-08-03 
 Posted : 2006-08-03 05:25:48

I need to know How I insert a date column, what is the SQL syntac to do it?

This is what I try:

insert into table (datepast) values ('02/25/2006')

insert into table (datepast) values ({'02/25/2006'})

insert into table (datepast) values ({d '02/25/2006'})

but nothing work!!


Thank you for the help....


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-08-03 09:31:07
If you have any problems with the date format, use this format for direct SQL calls to our driver:  {d'YYYY-MM-DD'} for example: {d ‘2006-01-27’}

Date and time stamps use this format:
SELECT * from Invoice WHERE Txndate >= {d '2005-09-23'}

Use this format for Microsoft Access queries:
SELECT * from Invoice WHERE Txndate >= #9/23/2005#

The Access format may vary based on the setting for your default date format for your region in your Windows control panel.

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