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Forum : Insert into Invoice gives me a "Not Supported" error?Search Forum

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 Insert into Invoice gives me a "Not Supported" error? 
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  Gary Klein 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 2 
 Joined: 2006-04-05 
 Posted : 2006-04-05 02:16:12

I'm writing a Java application with a JDBCODBC driver interface, as well as a DBSwing SQL interface.

I send the command:

INSERT INTO INVOICE (RefNum, CustomerRefListID,CustomerRefListFullName) Values (?,?,?);

as part of a Prepared Statement. I get back a "Not Supported" error. Other Prepared Statements that use Select and Update with the above format work fine.

Why do I get this error?

Thanks for your help.

Gary Klein



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-04-05 09:10:12
The reason for this error is because the Invoice table is a header record. New invoices are actually created by using InvoiceLine.  If you need to create a one line item invoice for example, you can use a format similar to this:

INSERT INTO "InvoiceLine" ("CustomerRefListID", "RefNumber",
"InvoiceLineItemRefListID", "InvoiceLineDesc", "InvoiceLineRate",
"InvoiceLineAmount", "InvoiceLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID") VALUES
('470001-1071525403', '1', '250000-933272656', 'Building permit 1',
1.00000, 1.00, '20000-999022286')

See: How can I create multiple lines in the Invoice, Purchase, Journal and other tables? for more information.


  Gary Klein 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 2 
 Joined: 2006-04-05 
 Posted : 2006-04-06 01:20:52

Thanks, thats helpful.


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