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 Release Fixes 
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 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-04-03 22:56:22

Note: This version will detect the Structure of the Optimizer (companyfilename.OPT) has changed and will automatically delete and recreate correctly. QODBC will them perform as it does with a fresh optimizer table. It is recommended that the user run the "Reload All Data" on the optimizer tab of QODBC Setup.

The Table modifiers used in SQL statements (tags used following the table name) to override QODBC Optimizer configuration screen settings have been enhanced:

VERIFIED | VERIFY - Forces Full Resync with QuickBooks on the optimized table before Query starts
CALLDIRECT | UNOPTIMIZED - Passthru query directly to QuickBooks - use no optimizations
OPTIMIZE | OPTIMIZED | NOSYNC - Passthru query to optimized table directly for maximum speed


select * from customer UNOPTIMIZED
select * from customer OPTIMIZED
select * from customer VERIFIED

Made speed improvements in retrieving PriceLevelPerItem records.

Adjusted logic for Optimizer to use the ReceivePayments instead of Transaction.  Also it only synchronizes when a field requiring synchronizing is requested like the IsPaid field.

Corrected logic when security check only was performed and so it won't update the LastUpdate field.

Fixed issue with inserting into any record when the Field name included ListID or TxnID has been fixed.

Removed links from ParentRefListID to the ListID of the same table.

Removed duplicate fields in Preference for Canadian version. They were causing issues in optimizing the table.

Set Macro fields to run the table unoptimized when macro fields are used in the WHERE statement.

Corrected issues with using TxnID/ListID as the first field in an insert to append a line.

New stored procedure, sp_lastinsertidreturn on|off. Used to turn on or off the saving of sp_lastinsert values. When off it can help with performance if you do not need to call sp_lastinsert.


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