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Forum : Trouble deleting items from iteminventorySearch Forum

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 Trouble deleting items from iteminventory 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 13 
 Joined: 2006-12-14 
 Posted : 2006-12-16 04:34:10
I'm having difficulty deleting items from iteminventory.  At first, it seemed to be working, but then I started getting this message:
[QODBC] Error: 3175 - There was an error adding, modifying or deleting the ItemInventory specified by the id = 80000388-1166161288 because it is already in use.  ( -2147467259 ) Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers

Here is the query that I'm using:
delete from iteminventory where name like 'J%'

Also: using Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library with QODBC V.6

The "obvious" doesn't work (closing all applications in an attempt to 'stop' using the record that is locked):  Rebooting doesn't even work. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-12-16 09:01:15

The error is a QuickBooks meesage saying 80000388-1166161288 (or SELECT * from ITEM where ListID='80000388-1166161288 ') is already in use normally means that the item is open in the QuickBooks UI. The item can't be edited by the QuickBooks user interface and QODBC at the same time. Suggest you try deleting it using the QuickBooks UI to see what the problem is. Could be the item has subitems or transactions tied to it too. You can also try:

delete from iteminventory where sublevel=1 and name like 'J%'


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 13 
 Joined: 2006-12-14 
 Posted : 2006-12-16 09:05:57
I did find out that when I tried to delete an item in the GUI is said there were transactions tied to it.  ( So that might be another reason. )
I couldn't figure out how it knew that there were transactions tied to the item, though.  They were items that I inserted using data from existing items, so, undoubtedly I made a mess... but not on the production file.  :)

Tom, I appreciate all of your answers and your time.  Thanks! 

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