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Forum : Best Pratice... OptimizerSearch Forum

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 Best Pratice... Optimizer 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 8 
 Joined: 2006-09-29 
 Posted : 2008-03-20 04:11:05


Thanks for the help you've given in the past regarding QODBC.  I want to ensure I'm doing this correctly, because everything is running a bit slow.

Here is the way my VB Program works:

1.  My program starts and checks an online database for new orders and downloads order and customer info.
2.  I insert a new invoice line into QuickBooks for each product ordered.
3.  I check the QB Quickbooks database for the customer's information to see if they are already there.  If they are - I update them.  if not, I insert them. (so far so good).
4. I then create the Invoice using the customer's listid.  At this point the QODBC Driver status window pops up and all the invoices get optimized. (this takes a long, long time)

This all works.  However, it literally takes hours to optimize the invoice table!  It goes through each invoice line of each invoice.  Since I have to connect to different databases (an SQL Server DB and QuickBooks) for each order, I can not leave the QB Database connection open and need to reoptimize for the next order.

If i've understood correctly, I can not simply optimize the inventory when the form loads.  Or can I?

Thanks again for your help!


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-03-26 12:09:39
Don't reoptimize for the next order. If you need to check the stock quantity before processing the order, it can also be extracted directly out of the QuickBooks engine in real time:

sp_report InventoryValuationDetail
show QuantityOnHand 
parameters ItemFilterFullNameWithChildren='Hardware:Lk Doorknobs'
where RowType='TotalRow'


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