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Forum : Budget sp_reports syntax questionSearch Forum

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 Budget sp_reports syntax question 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 3 
 Joined: 2007-01-09 
 Posted : 2007-01-09 03:06:49

Hi, I am running QODBC version 7 and Quickbooks Premier Contractor 2006.  We have reports by customer and jobs that we would like to access the information through QODBC.

We are trying to determine the correct syntax for the parameters to pull this report by a particular customer.

Thank you for your help!



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-01-09 09:36:12
See: How do I use the QuickBooks Reporting Engine with QODBC? I've heard something about sp_report ?  

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 3 
 Joined: 2007-01-09 
 Posted : 2007-01-09 09:44:22

Tom, thanks for quick reply.  We got the sample set of params working before, but I cannot seem to understand how to get that budget vs actual to display on a per customer basis.  We are willing to do the pay for support for this simple question, but we dont know if this is a developer question or a simple support incident.


Thank you,




 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-01-09 12:44:51
I don't know what you mean, QuickBooks budgets are normally against Accounts, not customers, but by using the report parameters you can also use Class or Customer. 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 3 
 Joined: 2007-01-09 
 Posted : 2007-01-10 06:29:44

The reports we are trying to run are profit and loss budget vs. actual on jobs we track within quickbooks.  I created a pdf with screen captures, but I dont see a place to upload it.


Thank you,



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-01-10 09:16:54

For USA users of QuickBooks, QODBC has the same Budget reports that can be found in QuickBooks:


sp_report BalanceSheetBudgetOverview show Amount_Title, Label, Amount parameters FiscalYear = 2006, BudgetCriterion = 'Accounts', SummarizeBudgetColumnsBy = 'Date', SummarizeBudgetRowsBy = 'Account'


sp_report BalanceSheetBudgetVsActual show Amount_Title, Budget_Title, Difference_Title, Percent_Title, Text, Label, Amount, Budget, Difference, Percent parameters FiscalYear = 2006, BudgetCriterion = 'Accounts', SummarizeBudgetColumnsBy = 'Date', SummarizeBudgetRowsBy = 'Account'


sp_report ProfitAndLossBudgetOverview show Amount_Title, Text, Label, Amount parameters FiscalYear = 2006, BudgetCriterion = 'Accounts', SummarizeBudgetColumnsBy = 'Date', SummarizeBudgetRowsBy = 'Account'


sp_report ProfitAndLossBudgetPerformance show Amount_Title, Text, Label, Amount parameters FiscalYear = 2006, BudgetCriterion = 'Accounts', SummarizeBudgetColumnsBy = 'Date', SummarizeBudgetRowsBy = 'Account'


sp_report ProfitAndLossBudgetVsActual show Amount_Title, Budget_Title, Difference_Title, Percent_Title, Text, Label, Amount, Budget, Difference, Percent parameters FiscalYear = 2006, BudgetCriterion = 'Accounts', SummarizeBudgetColumnsBy = 'Date', SummarizeBudgetRowsBy = 'Account'

The parameters and filters that are available in a report can be found by running:

sp_paramters sp_reportname

So to report by customer (job) we do:

sp_report ProfitAndLossBudgetVsActual show Amount_Title, Budget_Title, Difference_Title, Percent_Title, Text, Label, Amount, Budget, Difference, Percent parameters FiscalYear = 2006, SummarizeBudgetColumnsBy = 'Customer'

To see how these stored procedures are used, see: How do I use the QuickBooks Reporting Engine with QODBC? I've heard something about sp_report ? 


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