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Forum : One-off query speed improvements?Search Forum

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 One-off query speed improvements? 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 2 
 Joined: 2009-01-06 
 Posted : 2009-01-06 07:44:16
Hello. I am currently using the trial version of the QODBC driver to determine whether or not it meets our needs. We don't use QuickBooks much, but we have recently acquired new business that has brought along QuickBooks applications with years of data. Our simple goal is to rip everything out of QuickBooks and put it into SQL Server.

So, the point is that we won't be using QuickBooks or QODBC often, or for repetative tasks. Instead, we will be using it for a major export of QuickBooks data.

With that said, some of the QuickBooks tables are fairly large, with about 100,000 records each. The QODBC driver takes a very long time to get everything out of those tables (up to a couple of hours on one of our not-so-fast machines). I'm wondering if there's any way to speed this up.

Is there anything about using the trial version that's throttled compared to the registered version? Is there any reason to expect that the registered version will run faster?

I've followed the advice on these forums to set the Optimizer settings. However, that when I re-open the settings, all the settings revert to default. Do settings only get saved for the Registered version? Even so, since I won't be running any queries frequently (ideally only once) the optimizer doesn't help me much.

So, I'm just hoping to find out if a couple of hours for 100,000 rows is normal, or if I've done something wrong. Or, if I get the Registered version will it just be a lot faster?


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2009-01-06 12:20:40
See: Using DTS to Load QuickBooks Data into Microsoft SQL Server  

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