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Forum : Multi-Currency and QODBCSearch Forum

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 Multi-Currency and QODBC 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 10 
 Joined: 2008-10-17 
 Posted : 2008-11-13 10:21:17

We're using Quickbooks 2009 US version, which in this year introduced multi currencies. Running QODBC v 9 as well.

I was trying to see, for example, if we could update/insert the CurrencyRefListId and CurrencyRefFullName on the Customer. When I pull my list of customers in the VB Demo, all the currency fields I mentioned earlier are blank, but in the Quickbooks GUI, it displays what currency the customer is on, and it can be editted if there were no transactions records for the customer.

I also ran "sp_columns Customer" in the VB Demo, and looked up the CurrencyRefListId and CurrencyRefFullName fields, and I've noticed that neither of those fields relate to anything, whereas other fields in Customer that are Id type fields or Name fields have a relationship with another table.

Also, running "sp_tables" shows that there's no Currency table either.

Is the Currency table left out of QODBC for a reason or is it not supported? Or is there a workaround for this?



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-11-13 22:45:39

This may seem funny, but Intuit has released QuickBooks 2009 with a new qbXML SDK but we don't have any new documentation. I went to download the new SDK last week off Intuit's site and it still had SDK v7 for QuickBooks 2008.

So as far as QODBC is concerned, at the moment QODBC runs against QuickBooks 2009 USA editions in QuickBooks 2008 (which is non-Multi-currency) mode calling SDK v8. We do have multi-currency columns from non-USA versions of QuickBooks however we kind of need the documentation from Intuit on SDK v8 so we can add all the new SDK v8 stuff and finish off QODBC v9.


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 10 
 Joined: 2008-10-17 
 Posted : 2008-12-09 08:39:31

Wow that really sucks..

Just following up to see if Intuit has any new documentation on their SDK... or whether you've talked to them about when they will update it.

We run some reports and do currency conversions to USD or CAD, but right now we don't have visibility on what currency an account is on. I understand this is beyond your control, but I would like to know if you have any idea when this stuff will be resolved?


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