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Forum : iis 6.0 sql server 2005 and errorsSearch Forum

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[1] iis 6.0 sql server 2005 and errors 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 9 
 Joined: 2007-01-21 
 Posted : 2007-04-22 05:47:49

First off, I have no problem getting QODBC to interface with QuickBooks through SQL Server 2005 and stored procedures.  It works great.

The rub comes when I try to run my ASP.Net app to use the stored procedures which use QODBC (via the linked server).  I get the following error:

[SqlException (0x80131904): Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "qodbc".
OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "qodbc" returned message "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed".
OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "qodbc" returned message "[QODBC] QB Open Connection Failed. Create DCOM Instance Error = 80070005, Unknown error.. Created qbXMLRP2 OK.".]

I have double checked to make sure that IUSR_machine name , ASP.Net(ASPNET) and INTERACTIVE have launch rights  access rights to the files mentioned in various posts here.

What am I doing wrong?



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-04-22 22:53:35
You normally get 80070005 errors when logging into the web application as any other user (even if they are a member of the Domain Admins group). The web application should work when logged into the web application as Administrator. 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 7 
 Joined: 2006-06-17 
 Posted : 2007-05-04 01:04:37
>The web application should work when logged into the web application as Administrator.

Did you mean "when (users are) logged into the web app as Administrator"?  For a web app to use QODBC, are you supposed to give server Adminstrator rights to the users?  That would certainly break some new ground! 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-05-04 13:47:19
No, the statement is, it should work when logged in as administrator. Does it? The problem here is that you are not calling QODBC directly, you are calling a linked server. Normally I would ask why are you not calling QODBC directly? 

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 Posted : 2007-05-05 23:08:44
Inside our ASP.NET web application we have a background thread dedicated to synchronizing our accounting data.  Can we call QODBC directly from that thread?  Is anyone doing this currently on IIS 6.0 (Server 2003)?  Would we be able to try/demo this feature in the trial edition of QODBC? 

Any links/documentation that would help would be greatly appreciated. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-05-06 09:02:44

Yes, but anything that runs through a Windows Service requires the QODBC DCOMs or the Remote Connector to be configured. QODBC on it's own can be called by desktop applications, but not services.

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