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Forum : Differentiate between a payment and a discount to pay commissionsSearch Forum

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 Differentiate between a payment and a discount to pay commissions 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 3 
 Joined: 2006-05-11 
 Posted : 2006-06-08 00:25:13

When I run the "SalesByItemDetail" report on a cash basis, the report returns both payment and time discount amounts.  I need to differentiate between the actual payment amount and the discount amount because I pay commissions on only the payment made and not any discounts given.  How can I tell the difference between the payment and discount amount?  If the report doesn't allow this, what table would help me tell the difference?

Pete Lee


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-06-08 11:48:38

First we need to understand, what happens when we apply a discount to a invoice payment. The following shows a $100 discount applied to a $1,040 invoice and the resulting $940 payment made by the Customer:

Using QODBC we can extract the same info by doing:

SELECT ReceivePaymentLine.TxnDate as "Date", Invoice.CustomerRefFullName as "Job",
ReceivePaymentLine.AppliedToTxnRefNumber as "Number", Invoice.SubTotal as "Orig. Amt.",
ReceivePaymentLine.AppliedToTxnDiscountAmount as "Discount",
ReceivePaymentLine.AppliedToTxnAmount as "Payment" FROM ReceivePaymentLine, Invoice
where ReceivePaymentLine.AppliedToTxnTxnID= Invoice.TxnID
and ReceivePaymentLine.CustomerRefFullName='Baker, Chris'

If I run a Cash basis Sales By Item Detail report for the Customer in QuickBooks I see:

and I can extract the same by using the following stored procedure in QODBC:

sp_report SalesByItemDetail show TxnType as Type, Date, RefNumber as Num, Memo, Name,
Quantity as Qty, UnitPrice as "Sales Price", (Quantity * UnitPrice) as "Original Amount",
Amount as "Paid Amount" parameters DateMacro = 'ThisMonthToDate',
ReportBasis = 'Cash' where Name='Baker, Chris:Family Room'

As you can see, the original amount and the paid amount to pay the commision on is displayed. If I had a fixed 10% commision rate I could even add a column like: (0.1 * Amount) as "Commission" to the report:

sp_report SalesByItemDetail show TxnType as Type, Date, RefNumber as Num, Memo, Name,
Quantity as Qty, UnitPrice as "Sales Price", (Quantity * UnitPrice) as "Original Amount",
Amount as "Paid Amount", (0.1 * Amount) as "Commission" parameters DateMacro = 'ThisMonthToDate',
ReportBasis = 'Cash' where Name='Baker, Chris:Family Room'


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 3 
 Joined: 2006-05-11 
 Posted : 2006-06-09 00:09:29

Hi Tom,  Thank you for quick response.  The info you gave me was usefull.  The one part that I still need help with is in your last screen shot of "SalesByItemDetail" report.  Lines 2,3, and 6 appear to be the discount details and I wouldn't want to pay commissions on the discount.  So is there some way I can tell that those lines are discount items and not actual payments.  I know I can't just assume that the lower amounts are discount items because we have customers that do partial payments on an invoice making the payment amounts small also.  So what I really need to determine is when the detail line on the "SalesByItemDetail" report is an actual payment versus the discount given.




 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-06-09 08:27:48

Sorry, QuickBooks doesn't label the discount line for us in the Sales By Item Detail report. Wouldn't that be nice? That's why I also showed you how to see if a REAL discount was applied to a invoice or not? You can also do a date range like this:-

SELECT ReceivePaymentLine.TxnDate as "Date", Invoice.CustomerRefFullName as "Job",
ReceivePaymentLine.AppliedToTxnRefNumber as "Number", Invoice.SubTotal as "Orig. Amt.",
ReceivePaymentLine.AppliedToTxnDiscountAmount as "Discount",
ReceivePaymentLine.AppliedToTxnAmount as "Payment" FROM ReceivePaymentLine, Invoice
where ReceivePaymentLine.AppliedToTxnTxnID= Invoice.TxnID
and (ReceivePaymentLine.TxnDate >= {d '2006-06-01'} and ReceivePaymentLine.TxnDate < {d '2006-07-01'})


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-08-16 09:10:45

You can also add the Sales Rep info like this:-

SELECT Invoice.SalesRepRefFullName as "Rep", ReceivePaymentLine.TxnDate as "Date",
Invoice.CustomerRefFullName as "Job",ReceivePaymentLine.AppliedToTxnRefNumber as "Inv No.",
Invoice.SubTotal as "Orig. Amt.", ReceivePaymentLine.AppliedToTxnDiscountAmount as "Discount",
ReceivePaymentLine.AppliedToTxnAmount as "Payment" FROM ReceivePaymentLine, Invoice
where ReceivePaymentLine.AppliedToTxnTxnID= Invoice.TxnID
and (ReceivePaymentLine.TxnDate >= {d '2006-06-01'} and ReceivePaymentLine.TxnDate < {d '2008-07-01'})
Order by Invoice.SalesRepRefFullName, Invoice.CustomerRefFullName


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