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 address documentation 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 76 
 Joined: 2006-06-03 
 Posted : 2007-01-30 06:21:50

How does quick books deal with the addresses? I have noticed that qb reorganize addresses to fit on five lines. What are the size limitations for each line? Is there a maximum length for the entire address? I have noticed that the zip code will sometimes move over to the city field. Can you please explain how the address gets parsed the restrictions imposed on lenght.

I need to prevent my users from getting exceptions when imputting addr1,addr2,addr3,addr4, city, state, zip and country. Note: - I have tried trimming the address fields to the length in the qodbc table documentation but I still receive exceptions saying the address doesn't fit in the five lines. This is regarding the Cusotmer bill or shipping address.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-01-30 10:52:31

The Customer "Ship To" fields are:-

ShipAddressAddr1 - 41 Character String
ShipAddressAddr2 - 41 Character String
ShipAddressAddr3 - 41 Character String
ShipAddressAddr4 - 41 Character String
ShipAddressCity - 31 Character String
ShipAddressState - 21 Character String (USA only - otherwise ShipAddressCounty)
ShipAddressPostalCode - 13 Character String
ShipAddressCountry Varchar - 31 Character String

However, the full or short country name must be used and if the Country is not validated by your version of QuickBooks, the Country value will be automatically moved by QuickBooks to the Note field.

Here's a play example: Normally a single insert statement is used but I've gone with individual updates so you can see how to map and correct address lines.. QODBC only sends XML requests to QuickBooks, and QuickBooks does all the verifcations and the crazy things is does sometimes. You have used Country, and on top of that "US" instead of "USA" as required, so the QuickBooks country verifcation did some moving around.

Note: Do Addr3 updates last!, (after the country updates) like this:

INSERT INTO Customer ( Name, AccountNumber ) VALUES ('Jones, Jennie','1-2900')
sp_lastinsertid Customer
UPDATE Customer SET "CompanyName" = 'JENNICO' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "FirstName" = 'JENNIE' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "LastName" = 'JONES' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "BillAddressAddr1" = 'JENNIE JONES' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "BillAddressAddr2" = 'JENNICO' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "BillAddressCity" = 'GULFSHORE' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "BillAddressState" = 'FL' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "BillAddressPostalCode" = '33333' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "BillAddressCountry" = 'US' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "ShipAddressAddr1" = 'JENNIE JONES' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "ShipAddressAddr2" = 'JENNICO' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "ShipAddressCity" = 'GULFSHORE' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "ShipAddressState" = 'FL' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "ShipAddressPostalCode" = '33333' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "ShipAddressCountry" = 'US' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "Phone" = '800-555-1212' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "Email" = '' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "BillAddressAddr3" = '2222 40TH AVE' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'
UPDATE Customer SET "ShipAddressAddr3" = '2222 40TH AVE' WHERE "ListID" = 'AD0000-1197762837'


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 76 
 Joined: 2006-06-03 
 Posted : 2007-02-01 08:39:36
Is there a way to get a list of all valid country values that quick books accepts? That way instead of a free form text box, I can populate a drop down? 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-02-01 09:05:50

I don't have a validation list, prehaps you can ask Intuit?

PS: The ability to query and modify the 5th address line (Note) is now available in the QuickBooks 2007 USA version and QODBC v7 or higher. 


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