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Forum : v7 running very slowSearch Forum

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 v7 running very slow 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 14 
 Joined: 2006-06-28 
 Posted : 2007-01-03 01:26:43
I recently purchased QuickBooks 2007 Enterprise, which we upgraded from QuickBooks 2005.  I purchased the QODBC v7 and switched the new product key and changed the connection string.  I have some queries that I use to run and it took about 10 minutes to complete.   The same queries now take 30-45 minutes.  Why is it taking so long?  Is there something I can do to make it faster?  They are simple queries like "SELECT DISTINCT CustomerRefFullName, EntityRefFullName, ItemServiceRefFullName FROM TimeTracking".  What happened? 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-01-03 09:42:53

Sounds like your query is optimizing each time you call QODBC, try:

SELECT DISTINCT CustomerRefFullName, EntityRefFullName, ItemServiceRefFullName FROM TimeTracking NOSYNC

instead to bypass the syncing operation.


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 14 
 Joined: 2006-06-28 
 Posted : 2007-01-03 10:13:51
I'm going to try this "NOSYNC" at the end of my code.  I went on the server and the System DSN that i'm using doesn't have the "Use Optimizer" checkbox checked, so I don't think it's trying to optimize.  Any other suggestions? 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-01-03 10:24:26
Yes, switch the QODBC optimizer on! 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 14 
 Joined: 2006-06-28 
 Posted : 2007-01-04 00:43:55

Well, the reason why I have it off is because I want the new timer info that's entered in each day.  The query only runs once a day, so it really needs to get new data each day.  I understood the optimizer as a sort of cache and since I never need cached data, I thought I didn't need the optimizer.  My question to that is that most of the data is the same except for the last days data.  Would the optimizer be effective so that it sort of caches the old data and only gets new data, or would it get all the data when I select the "The start of every query" radio button?  I would have to choose this option because we don't run the query until everyone exports their time, which is usually a few minutes before we run the query.  Please advise.



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-01-04 09:13:55

You need to have the optimizer on if you run queries like this:

SELECT DISTINCT CustomerRefFullName, EntityRefFullName, ItemServiceRefFullName FROM TimeTracking

because you are quering the whole TimeTracking table. If you are just wanting the new timer info that's entered in each day then you should be using a start from date:

SELECT DISTINCT CustomerRefFullName, EntityRefFullName, ItemServiceRefFullName FROM TimeTracking where TxnDate >= {d'2007-01-01'}

or better still, just today's date, whatever that is:

SELECT DISTINCT CustomerRefFullName, EntityRefFullName, ItemServiceRefFullName FROM TimeTracking where TxnDate >= {fn CURDATE()}

then there wouldn't be much need for the optimizer.



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