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Forum : Multiple JoinsSearch Forum

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 Multiple Joins 
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  Andrew Hawken 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 6 
 Joined: 2008-12-10 
 Posted : 2009-01-15 21:53:35

I can't get multiple joins to work...

Select *
from T1
inner join T2 on T1.ID2 = T2.ID
inner join T3 on T1.ID3 = T3.ID

it work with one join but not more than that, although the above syntax works in SQLServer against an export of the database. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2009-01-16 10:06:58

Parentheses are required when there are more than two tables being joined:

SELECT COUNT(TxnID) FROM (Invoice INNER JOIN SalesRep ON Invoice.SalesRepRefListID = SalesRep.ListID)
INNER JOIN Employee ON SalesRep.SalesRepEntityRefListID = Employee.ListID


  Andrew Hawken 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 6 
 Joined: 2008-12-10 
 Posted : 2009-01-20 23:58:46
Is there a way of doing left joins ?  Or is it just inner and outer ? 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2009-01-21 08:36:18

Yes, they look like this:

    InvoiceLine."TxnDate", InvoiceLine."RefNumber", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressAddr1", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressCity", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressState", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressPostalCode", InvoiceLine."PONumber", InvoiceLine."SalesRepRefFullName", InvoiceLine."ShipDate", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineItemRefFullName", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineDesc", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineQuantity", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineRate", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineInvoiced",
    Customer."FullName", Customer."BillAddressCity", Customer."BillAddressState", Customer."Phone", Customer."Contact", Customer."CustomerTypeRefFullName",
    ItemInventory."AverageCost", ItemInventory."CustomFieldAffilLicensingGroup", ItemInventory."CustomFieldBarCode", ItemInventory."CustomFieldCategory", ItemInventory."CustomFieldSize", ItemInventory."CustomFieldState",
    SalesOrderLinkedTxn."TxnDate", SalesOrderLinkedTxn."RefNumber"
FROM   (("InvoiceLine" LEFT OUTER JOIN "Customer" ON "InvoiceLine"."CustomerRefListID"="Customer"."ListID")
LEFT OUTER JOIN "ItemInventory" ON "InvoiceLine"."InvoiceLineItemRefListID"="ItemInventory"."ListID")
LEFT OUTER JOIN "SalesOrderLinkedTxn" ON "InvoiceLine"."TxnID"="SalesOrderLinkedTxn"."LinkedTxnTxnID"


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