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 Activate old version 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 4 
 Joined: 2007-03-23 
 Posted : 2007-03-23 16:01:22
I need to re-activate my 2.5.20 version because Isince when I try the 3.0 demo, I´ve got the message "Demo license was expired" and I dont know how can I use my licence version again. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-03-23 20:51:12

The current version of FlexODBC is v4. Downloads of FlexODBC v2.5 and v3.1 no longer run in evaluation mode and require registration codes in order to use them. Un-install FlexODBC and download the version you have a valid registration code and re-install FlexODBC.

FlexODBC Download Files
FlexODBC v4.0.24 Full Installer for 9x/NT/2K/XP (5.14MB)
FlexODBC Previous Release v3.1 Build 10 April 15, 2002
Note: The 3.1 release is no longer
sold or available for sale.
FlexODBC 3.1 Full Installer for 9x/NT/2K/XP (3.23MB)
FlexODBC 3.1 Updater from any 3.x version only for 9x/NT/2K/XP (1MB)
FlexODBC Frequently Asked Questions/Solutions
OEM Version Setup Files
Visual Basic ODBC Demo Program Source Code (63k)
Visual Basic ODBC Demo Program 32 bit Source Code (35k)
C++ ODBC Demo Program Source Code (32k)
FlexODBC v2.5 Build 20 for Legacy Users
Note: The FlexODBC v2.5 release is no longer supported.
FlexODBC 2.5.20 32 bit Full Installer for 9x/NT (7MB)
Note: FlexODBC 2.5.20 is not supported on Windows XP
FlexODBC 2.5 16 bit Full Installer for Win3 (2.4MB)
FlexODBC 2.5.20 Updater from any 2.x version (1MB)


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 4 
 Joined: 2007-03-23 
 Posted : 2007-06-06 23:17:28
I did it as you say, but doesn`t  work, the message still appear And I can´t use it.  The problem is in a computer with windows 2000 server. Please tell me How can I uninstall COMPLETLY the demo version.
I could buy the new version soon, but first I must to demostrate tu my boss the results that I have with my known version.
Thanks for your help. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-06-07 08:48:44
Use the "FlexODBC Uninstall" shortcut in the "DataFlex ODBC 32" program group to uninstall FlexODBC v3.x or simply delete the C:\FLEXODBC folder and re-install FlexODBC v2.5. 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 4 
 Joined: 2007-03-23 
 Posted : 2007-06-07 12:23:31
I did it all, but doesn´t work, then I install 4.0 version and uninstalled later, but the "Demo expiration licenced" message still appear.
Please tell me what can I do. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-06-07 13:06:14

For FlexODBC 2.5 you need to enter your registration name and code for your license in FlexODBC Setup Screen for the DataFlex Data 32 or DataFlex Test 32 DSN. Click on the "Configure FlexODBC Data Source" in the "DataFlex ODBC 32" program group to access this.

FlexODBC v4 evaluations only work for 30 days as a one off, uninstalling it and re-installing FlexODBC v4 doesn't get you another 30 day evaluation period.


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 4 
 Joined: 2007-03-23 
 Posted : 2007-06-07 13:18:42
Yes, I know that, I was using flexodbc over many years, but my problem is with my windows 2000 server, when I want to put my application. Can you access my server over windows terminal server (or RDP) I can give you a usernam and password for fix my problem, If it isn´t too much to ask?
Thanks for your attention. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-06-07 16:10:19
Sorry, we no longer support FlexODBC v2.5. 

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