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Forum : Retrieve recently modified invoicesSearch Forum

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 Retrieve recently modified invoices 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 1 
 Joined: 2007-01-05 
 Posted : 2007-01-05 02:56:11

I want to retrieve only recently created/modified invoices, saying, modified during the last 60 minutes. But field TimeModified seems to contain no time, date only, so my select through qbodbc driver retrieves all invoices modified within the specified day. Is there a way to filter only invoices modified within the last 60 minutes?

Thanks in advance,



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-01-05 10:14:11

SELECT SalesOrderLine.TxnID, SalesOrderLine.CustomerRefFullName, SalesOrderLine.TxnDate, SalesOrderLine.RefNumber, SalesOrderLine.PONumber, SalesOrderLine.DueDate, SalesOrderLine.ShipDate, SalesOrderLine.ShipMethodRefFullName, SalesOrderLine.SalesOrderLineItemRefFullName, SalesOrderLine.SalesOrderLineQuantity, SalesOrderLine.SalesOrderLineRate, SalesOrderLine.SalesOrderLineAmount FROM SalesOrderLine where TimeModified > {fn TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MINUTE, -60, {fn NOW()})}

will automatically retreive only the records in the SalesOrderLine table that have been changed in the last 60 minutes. You can use where TimeModified > {fn TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MINUTE, -60, {fn NOW()})} with the InvoiceLine table also.


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