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Forum Home > QODBC - ODBC Driver for QuickBooks > QODBC Frequently Asked Questions

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Normal   Connection to QODBC 
GED 1 418  2006-10-25 17:05:16 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   startup failure 
jeff 1 128  2006-10-24 13:33:02 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   When I try to edit a record in Access 2000, I'm told the record has been changed by another user? 
Tom 2 187  2006-10-24 12:19:48 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Performance Issues of QODBC Read Write in QB 05 
ione 5 205  2006-10-13 08:18:36 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   OPENQUERY with Linked MS SQL Servers 
Bo 3 228  2006-10-07 10:43:28 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   EntryPointNotFoundException on windows 2000 
Aparna 3 126  2006-10-04 08:31:36 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   clarify web server instructions regarding terminal services 
jeff 1 136  2006-10-03 14:59:00 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Do you have any sample code for VB.NET? 
Tom 3 680  2006-10-02 12:12:30 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Can Not Select "FQSaveToCache" True(1) records. 
Toru 1 179  2006-09-27 11:38:33 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Error 10047 
Chip 1 158  2006-09-23 11:10:28 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Error calling OpenQBConnection Returned Error:10061 
rishipatel10 1 203  2006-09-21 08:05:17 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   sp_report (too many fields error) 
RE-Austin 1 140  2006-09-16 11:37:35 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Open sales orders by Item 
Jerry 5 330  2006-09-11 09:11:37 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Error - QB Open Connection Failed. Error = 8004042f using Canadian QuickBooks 
Tom 4 550  2006-08-25 13:32:08 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How do I start the QODBC Setup screen to use my DSN instead of QuickBooks Data? 
Tom 0 479  2006-08-23 09:49:32 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Remote connector problem 
Acsys 5 208  2006-08-23 09:02:55 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   I can't use the Remote Desktop and Terminal Services to setup DCOMs? 
Tom 0 237  2006-08-18 10:30:03 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Why the connection to Quickbook is so slow through QODBC 
LOL 7 528  2006-08-15 09:09:43 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   QB Open Connection Failed. Create DCOM Instance Error 
agilaire 1 223  2006-08-11 11:20:30 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How can I see the Exchange Rate used in Foreign Currency Transactions? 
Tom 0 121  2006-08-10 14:08:18 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   import and update customers based on custom field or account number 
ione 1 281  2006-08-03 09:24:00 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   ODBC - - update on a linked table 'XX' failed. 
JDennis 1 240  2006-07-19 09:10:21 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Java ODBC and the OLE DB Services value 
robc 1 182  2006-07-15 11:47:29 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How do I use prompted date ranges in MS Access? 
Tom 1 1525  2006-07-12 09:52:14 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Quickbooks Transaction Dates 
Bryon 1 210  2006-07-12 08:36:27 
 Post by : Tom
Normal    Couldn't select a State for CallBack Support? 
Tom 1 126  2006-07-08 13:52:44 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Should my QB company file be present in the QB application path ?? 
HariPrasad 1 169  2006-07-08 13:17:15 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   I am using Delphi and am getting some column not found errors on long field names. Why? 
Tom 4 243  2006-07-06 10:31:38 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition Known Issues 
Ian 3 373  2006-06-28 13:01:17 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   I am getting the error: "Could not determine the version of the QuickBooks company data file"? 
Tom 3 231  2006-06-27 11:21:32 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   What table in QuickBooks holds the general ledger data and trial balance data? 
Tom 3 282  2006-06-25 00:57:00 
 Post by : Bill Faulk
Normal   Intelligent error messages 
jeff 1 177  2006-06-22 08:35:38 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   New version 7.0 
vitvov 1 210  2006-06-16 09:07:35 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   VB Demo 32 for QODBC POS 
Jacky 1 203  2006-06-14 21:18:54 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Using QODBC in a network environment 
stjinaton 3 515  2006-06-01 08:48:33 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   What does a [QODBC] Incorrectly built XML from Update Start (#10045) error mean? 
Tom 1 196  2006-05-31 11:55:06 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   customized use of QIntegrator 
sholom Scheiner 1 311  2006-05-20 11:53:42 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Citrix, Windows Terminal Services, Virutal Server? 
Harv 1 243  2006-05-19 09:42:27 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   ItemInventory Accuracy Problem 
Travis 2 209  2006-05-16 01:30:48 
 Post by : Travis
Normal   Which Table contains Tax Rego ID 
Jim K 4 155  2006-05-08 12:52:32 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   [QODBC] Error : 3180 – Quickbook error message : The Payment has been changed. 
Tom 1 204  2006-05-08 11:24:30 
 Post by : Aaron
Normal   How to close a company books 
Piyush Varma 1 243  2006-05-06 17:50:21 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   VB Demo 32 
Piyush Varma 1 336  2006-05-06 17:47:12 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How can I link Purchase Orders to Sales Orders? 
Tom 0 222  2006-05-04 09:59:21 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   What tables can be modified when using QODBC with the QuickBooks Online Edition (QBOE)? 
Tom 4 376  2006-05-02 10:59:06 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Sales Order "Is Fully Invoiced" field contains incorrect data? 
Ellen Umland 1 175  2006-04-29 10:20:59 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   QODBC - Access performance 
Dustin Kuhn 1 549  2006-04-28 09:50:17 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How do I manually setup the QODBC DCOM Servers on Windows XP Pro and Windows 2003 Server? 
Tom 8 1650  2006-04-25 11:35:04 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   QODBC Driver Unacceptably slow inserting TimeTracking Table 
Jeff Ishee 5 289  2006-04-25 10:47:29 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Redirecting QODBC to a test environment 
Jeff Ishee 1 175  2006-04-20 08:19:54 
 Post by : Tom
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