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Forum : SP_LASTINSERTIDSearch Forum

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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 5 
 Joined: 2007-01-09 
 Posted : 2007-01-09 09:54:01
'The code sample below is used to enter purchase orders into qb from access 2000
'When this is completed i need to read back the SP_LASTINSERTID from QB for confirmation of the order
'how and where do i do this so that i can then use the value from SP_LASTINSERTID field
' i can get to the field names using the following code...but cant get to the field data ?
'QBRecordset.Open QBSQL, QBConnection, aDopenstatic, aDlockoptimistic
 '   Dim fld As Field
 '   Set rst = QBRecordset
 '   For Each fld In rst.Fields
 '      Print field names.
 '      Debug.Print fld.Name
 '   Next
'but cant get to the field data ?
Dim QBConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim QBRecordset As ADODB.Recordset
Dim QBMsg      As String
Dim QBConnectString As String
Dim QBSQL      As String
Dim DB         As Database
Dim rt         As Integer
Dim count      As Integer
Dim partt      As Recordset
Dim PreviousEntry As String
On Error GoTo Err_Command218_Click
DoCmd.OpenQuery "makecount"
Set DB = CurrentDb
Set partt = DB.OpenRecordset("SELECT * " & "FROM [ttt]", dbOpenSnapshot)
rt = partt.RecordCount
DoCmd.OpenQuery "clearcount"
QBConnectString = "DSN=Quickbooks Data;OLE DB Services=-2;"
QBSQL = "SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrderLine"
Set QBConnection = New ADODB.Connection
Set QBRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset
QBConnection.Open QBConnectString
QBRecordset.Open QBSQL, QBConnection, aDopenstatic, aDlockoptimistic
For count = 1 To rt                                                       'Add line items
    Qty = Me.Order_Qty
    qbDescription = Me.Description
    Price = Me.Price_ex__Del_ex_
    QBRecordset.Fields("PurchaseOrderLineItemRefListID").Value = "40000-1045537150"
    QBRecordset.Fields("PurchaseOrderLineDesc").Value = qbDescription
    QBRecordset.Fields("PurchaseOrderLineQuantity").Value = Qty
    QBRecordset.Fields("PurchaseOrderLineRate").Value = Price
    QBRecordset.Fields("FQSaveToCache").Value = True
    If count < rt Then
        DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
        GoTo alldone
    End If
Next count
If Me.Check11 = True Then                                                 'set freight cost
    QBRecordset.Fields("PurchaseOrderLineDesc").Value = ""
    QBRecordset.Fields("FQSaveToCache").Value = True
    QBRecordset.Fields("PurchaseOrderLineItemRefListID").Value = "2A0000-1080093346"
    QBRecordset.Fields("PurchaseOrderLineRate").Value = Me.Text11
    QBRecordset.Fields("FQSaveToCache").Value = True
End If
If Me.Check10 = True Then                                                 'line item message
    QBRecordset.Fields("PurchaseOrderLineDesc").Value = ""
    QBRecordset.Fields("FQSaveToCache").Value = True
    QBRecordset.Fields("PurchaseOrderLineDesc").Value = Me.Text10
    QBRecordset.Fields("FQSaveToCache").Value = True
End If
QBRecordset.AddNew                                                        'close entry
If Me.ShipToCheck = True Then QBRecordset.Fields("ShipToEntityRefListID").Value = Me.ShipTo
If Me.TermsCheck = True Then QBRecordset.Fields("TermsRefListID").Value = Me.terms
If Me.VendorMsg = True Then QBRecordset.Fields("VendorMsg").Value = Me.Vendor_msg
If Me.UseMemo = True Then QBRecordset.Fields("Memo").Value = Me.QBMemo
QBRecordset.Fields("TemplateRefListID").Value = Me.Template
QBRecordset.Fields("VendorRefListID").Value = Me.Vendor_Ref
QBRecordset.Fields("ExpectedDate").Value = Me.ExpectedDate
QBRecordset.Fields("AmountIncludesVAT").Value = Me.AmountIncludesVAT
QBRecordset.Fields("ClassRefListID").Value = Me.Class
QBRecordset.Fields("ShipMethodRefListID").Value = Me.ship_via
QBRecordset.Fields("IsToBePrinted").Value = Me.To_Print
QBRecordset.Fields("FQSaveToCache").Value = False
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
End Sub

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-01-09 12:52:19

 You need to run

'QBSQL = "SP_LASTINSERTID PurchaseOrderLine"

with the correct table name before your QBConnection.Close line


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 5 
 Joined: 2007-01-09 
 Posted : 2007-01-09 16:56:17

Thanks for the reply,

my problem is that i can open and read the field names from the QB tables, but i dont know how to get to the data in the field. Iv'e tried looking a sample code from allover

'QBSQL = "SELECT * From Class"
'QBRecordset.Open QBSQL, QBConnection, aDopenstatic, aDlockoptimistic
 '   Dim fld As Field
 '   Set rst = QBRecordset
 '   For Each fld In rst.Fields
 '      Print field names.
 '      Debug.Print fld.Name
 '   Next
'This returns the name of each field in the open QBRecordset
'but cant get to the field data ?

i think it's an ado issue but i'm new to this level of programing.



 Group: Members 
 Posts: 5 
 Joined: 2007-01-09 
 Posted : 2007-01-09 18:02:55

I'm getting there, the code below shows how i can get data from one table and put it in another.

But i cant get any data from the Quickbooks table

Any help from anybody will be greatly appriciated.

Dim QBConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim QBRecordset As ADODB.Recordset
Dim QBConnectString As String
Dim QBSQL      As String
Dim rt         As Integer
QBConnectString = "DSN=Quickbooks Data;OLE DB Services=-2;"
Set QBConnection = New ADODB.Connection
Set QBRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset
QBConnection.Open QBConnectString
QBSQL = "SELECT * from Class"
QBRecordset.Open QBSQL, QBConnection, aDopenstatic, adLockOptimistic
' The next lines fail
 Me.RecordSource = "QBRecordset.Open QBSQL, QBConnection, aDopenstatic, adLockOptimistic"
'     or
 QBRecordset.Open QBSQL, QBConnection, aDopenstatic, adLockOptimistic
 Me.RecordSource = QBRecordset
' Here is where i need to set the recordsource of my form to the Quickbooks table
' The next line is ok and gives me access to the data in the fields
Set TABLE = DB.OpenRecordset("Class", dbOpenDynaset, dbAppendOnly)
Dim DB         As Database
Set DB = CurrentDb
Me.RecordSource = "SELECT * from Class" ' THIS IS A LOCAL TABLE
For count = 1 To 5
    TABLE![ListID] = Me.ListID
    If count <= rt Then DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Next count
' this just adds the first 5 lines of the class table back into the class table


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-01-09 19:22:30

sp_lastinsertid is a stored procedure. It's not a table or view and it returns one row with the LastInsertId and error message if any.


You can workaround using sp_lastinsertid by quering the new purchase order details instead:

select Top 1 txnid from PurchaseOrder ORDER BY TimeModified DESC


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